all flights from Brazil, Chile and Mexico are suspended


After long deliberations, in the early hours of this Friday, the administrative decision of the Chief of Staff will be published in the Official Journal with the new official restrictions to discourage travel to and from abroad and prevent the second wave of Covid-19. Travelers returning home they will have to pay for their tests on arrival in the country and another 7 days after return. Saturday will be they will suspend flights from Brazil, Chile and Mexico. There are nearly 27 thousand Argentines abroad. The measurements are by undetermined time.

Until now, only flights from Great Britain have been banned. Land borders will continue to be closed and “hottest” crossings will be reinforced by Federal Forces, while neighboring countries will be left with no intensive care units available. In the past three days, more than 25,000 infected people have been recorded in the country.

In the last DNU which extended the AVAILABLE Until April 9, it had been agreed to restrict flights from countries in the region, Europe, Mexico and the United States. Finally, the executive decided to go further and harden measures. The United States was ultimately excluded from the list because – according to official sources – there was no massive infection or circulation of the more aggressive strains. However, there are strains of Manaus and the South African.

In the event that the tests at the airport, which would have an approximate cost of $ 3,000, give positive results, they must carry out a genomic sequencing – to find out which strain of coronavirus is being treated at the Malbrán Institute and in charge of the State – and to isolate yourself with your loved ones by government-designed places. The stay in these places – probably hotels – will be the responsibility of the passenger.

Passengers who test negative They will also be forced to isolate themselves in their legal addresses for up to 10 days. during the previous and mandatory check before boarding in the country of origin. The quarantine will be controlled by each of the 24 jurisdictions. In the event of non-compliance, offenders could be given the opportunity to report the violation of Articles 205 and 239 of the Penal Code.

Argentines who are in the outside and whose flights are canceled must reschedule them with the airlines. There will be no official repatriation flights like those who brought in over 200,000 Argentines last year.

Returning travelers must sign an affidavit, in addition, in which they specify the places where they were during the 14 days before returning to Argentina. Meanwhile, after the registration of quotas infected with graduatesIt was resolved that tourism agencies must submit protocols to the Ministry of Tourism and Sports and certified tests.

The government has been working for two weeks on measures to discourage travel abroad, where community transmission of new strains of coronavirus is already recorded.

The communication errors accumulated government; mostly because of official delays after the president’s national channel. Executive officials again denied the chancellor Felipe Solá, who in the morning had suggested in statements to El Uncover that Argentines returning to the country with symptoms of Covid-19 should pay for a hotel to comply with isolation. From the Casa Rosada, they refuted his words, but finally the administrative decision of the chief of staff gave the reason to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Something similar had happened with the Minister of Health herself Carla Vizzotti, who suggested Wednesday that restrictions on internal mailing lists be analyzed. Casa Rosada spokespersons denied it. In official offices, they don’t want to hamper the rebound in the economy and obsessively monitor social humor. “The day to day is evaluated“, A relativized Cafiero in statements to C5N at night.

After the ANMAT authorized the use of the Sinopharm vaccine for people over the age of 60, Vizzotti; and his City peers, Fernan Quirós; and province, Daniel Gollan; They raised the possibility of postponing the second dose of the coronavirus vaccines (with the exception of Sputnik V). the Federal Health Council (COFESA), which brings together the 24 ministers of the country’s area, will analyze it this Friday, but a consensus on the issue is guessed between the 24 jurisdictions and the Nation.

Part of the government’s delays was justified by the government’s intention not to make legal and logistical errors in implementing the new restrictions. The chief of staff Santiago Cafiero and the legal and technical secretary Vilma ibarra they oversaw the fine print of the administrative decision throughout the week.

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