all the draws were in group


May 06, 2019
– 09:05

Moves next week promise succulent wells of 105 and 62 million pesos.

The main games of the Sunday session were in phase with the weather, their main alternative being water.

In this way, a real mountain of money was vacant by not registering with six-shot cards, both in the traditional version and in the modalities of the second round and the revenge of Quini's 2.668 draw. 6.


They parked in his garage and decided to destroy the car.

The traditional group left in the band 43 531 009.20 pesos and the second saved a well of 18 652 815,97 pesos, while the group Revancha left without owners 16 577 991,80 pesos.

The next draw of the Quini 6, which will take place Wednesday at 9:15 pm, will have a well estimated at about 105 million pesos.

Brinco and Telekino

On the other hand, the Brinco and the telekino also hit a good gambeta to the punters.

In this way, the Santa Fe will dance next Sunday a prize of 62 clubs, while the egg will cost 80 million pesos.


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