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The government of Buenos Aires on Friday opened the register to vaccinate the most 60 years. This was confirmed by the Minister of Health, Fernán Quirós, who also clarified that the changes will start to be granted for next week and that the vaccines will be used. Sputnik V which will arrive in Ezeiza this Friday afternoon.

The City will receive new doses of the batch to be applied to some 140,000 residents aged 60 to 64. Although in this group there are health workers who have already been vaccinated.

According to the calculations of the Ministry of Health of Buenos Aires, the city has 1,200,000 people considered among the target population vaccinate as a priority. It is personal health, almost 100% complete with the first doses; adults over 70; over 60 (last week they started vaccinating some 150,000 residents aged 65 to 69); strategic staff (teachers, security forces and traffic officers, among others); over 18 with previous illnesses; and other strategic groups.

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Vaccination centers for the elderly

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Fountain: GCBA
Infographics: Bugle

According to official information, still 35% to 40% missing to complete the application of the first doses in the entire target group. This week, in addition, progress was made with the application of second doses of the Chinese vaccine of Sinopharm, which has been used by healthcare professionals in hospitals and clinics, and independent, as well as in some 17,000 teachers of the governing school and the initial and early grades of elementary school.


Registration will be done through the website, where a form containing personal data must be completed. Then, people will receive a confirmation by email, WhatsApp message or SMS to make an appointment and select the place to be vaccinated. Then the confirmation will come.

In a statement, the government of Buenos Aires recalled that “the public vaccination centers were specially equipped and are strategically distributed throughout the territory of Buenos Aires”.

They noted that “they are located in clubs, government buildings and cultural centers, and that they work from Monday to Friday, from 8 to 17 “.

“Each of these points answers all of the biosecurity measures correspondents and are equipped with adequate refrigeration systems for the proper storage of vaccines ”, they specified.

In the city, they have already made progress with the vaccination of over 65s.  Photo German Garcia Adrasti

In the city, they have already made progress with the vaccination of over 65s. Photo German Garcia Adrasti

Steps to receive the Covid vaccine

On the day assigned for vaccination, people must report to the center on the day and time indicated in the work shift. They must present themselves with their DNI in the reception and registration area.

Once the vaccine has been administered, the person should remain under observation for half an hour. Once this period has elapsed, you will be provided with the corresponding certificate and you can go home.

Each neighbor vaccinated with the first dose will be contacted again in order to assign around the application of the second. In accordance with what was agreed at the Federal Health Council, the doses of Covishield (AstraZeneca) and Sputnik V will be applied up to 90 days from the first. The goal is to vaccinate as many people as possible with at least one dose.

The government of Buenos Aires has specified that, since December 29, 618,151 people received the first dose of Sputnik-V, Sinopharm or Covishield vaccine from Oxford-AstraZeneca in the city.

Of the total, 121,794 have already completed vaccination with the second component.

Thus, 739,945 vaccines have been applied in the territory of Buenos Aires, which represents 98.9% of the 748,200 vaccines delivered to date by the national government.



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