Allow the export of 15,000 tons of meat to the United States


The decision was made by a resolution of the Government Secretariat of Agri-Food, published in the Official Journal.

"The procedure is established for those interested in exporting the balance of 15,000 tons of boneless beef, beef, chilled, boneless, corresponding to the current cycle, destined for the United States of America. America, according to the first international criteria first served"indicates the text.

According to the resolution, to gain access to the export certificate, refrigeration companies and producer groups must complete, via the Remote Procedure Platform (TAD), the form entitled "State Beef Vaccination Fee". States – Certification "affidavit

The Secretary of the Agri-Food Sector also ordered that the total tonnes not exported during the business cycle for which they were requested can not be transferred to the next business cycle.

The Executive recalled that the US Department of Agriculture has granted Argentina an annual tariff quota of 20,000 tonnes of boneless, fresh, chilled or frozen meat.

In this sense, estimated that "it is necessary to specify the access of goods from the Argentine territory to the aforementioned quota, with the required quality conditions".

In addition, the Government recalled that in January this year, 5,000 net tons had been distributed.

For Casa Rosada, "the ultimate goal of implementing this measure is to encourage export activities and to ensure the maximum use of the quota in question, ensuring equal access to all participants ".


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