Alma Barragán, MC candidate assassinated in Moroleón, accused her of “dirty war”


Alma Barragán assured that she was not afraid of the PAN and the PRD despite the "dirty war" against him (Photo: Facebook / @AlmaBarraganSantiago)
Alma Barragán assured that she was not afraid of the PAN and the PRD despite the “dirty war” against them (Photo: Facebook / @AlmaBarraganSantiago)

Alma Rosa Barragán, Citizen Movement (MC) candidate for mayor of Moroleón, Guanajuato, had accused the National Action Party (PAN) and the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) of waging a “dirty war” against him, before being assassinated in broad daylight on Tuesday, May 25.

Through a video circulating on social networks, Barragán assured that I was not afraid of threats and intimidation received, like a Anonymous complaint against money laundering, which he said is completely wrong.

“We are doing very well, so the dirty war against me has already started. They have already started attacking me with slander. Today I learned that I have an anonymous money laundering complaint which is totally false and unfounded. I’m going to face it and come out stronger. I am not afraid, I am not intimidated, it strengthens me because it confirms that we are on the right track», He indicated.

The political parties presumed to have orchestrated this smear campaign against them were the PAN and the PRD, institutions which joined forces to maintain their government in the municipality, maintained for 12 years.

Scene of the murder of Alma Barragán, candidate of Movimiento Ciudadano in Moroleón (Photo: Twitter / @metrograficomx)
Scene of the assassination of Alma Barragán, candidate of the Citizen Movement in Moroleón (Photo: Twitter / @metrograficomx)

“Today Moroleón is lost in the old politics, more than 12 years of the same population governed and plundering our municipality. They are the ones who defame me today because they are afraid of losing their gold mine. Today, the PAN does not come out of the old tactic of discrediting the unfounded opponent, supported by the municipality. This dirty war is that of the PRD which has today monopolized the PAN and left the PAN without PAN members ”, he declared.

During his last message, he invited the inhabitants of The sleeve, the navel and the bird’s beak to participate in the rally where he would lose his life, in addition to celebrating his growing support on Facebook, a social network where he presumed to have added 6000 supporters.

In this sense, David Saucedo, security consultant, explained to Infobae Mexico that the mayor’s office is undergoing a metamorphosis, where The entire PRD structure, headed by the mayor of Moroleón, Jorge Ortiz, has been invited by Acción Nacional to join its ranksThe dismissed municipal president is therefore running for a post elected by the people defended by the PAN.

Currently, the polls favor Grecia Pantoja, PAN candidate for mayor of Moroleón, practically two to one against Alma Rosa Barragán. It is the same in the competition between Jorge Ortiz, candidate for the local deputation for the PAN, and Juan Guerra, candidate for the PRI-PRD.

Latest video of candidate Alma Barragán (Video: Facebook / @AlmaBarraganSantiago)

Alma Barragán’s murder comes on top of the attack on Juan Guzman Ramirez, candidate for a local deputation by the banks of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), who came out unharmed.

The wave of violence during election campaigns has intensified in this territory due to its strategic position, both for politicians and for drug traffickers, since borders the northern part of Michoacán, in addition to the fact that the metropolitan area is known for its textile industry, situations which place her as a main target of drug cartels.

Saucedo clarified the interference of criminal organizations in this electoral process, in particular the Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) and Santa Rosa de Lima (CSRL) cartels.

“Originally, the CRSL was the one in control of this region. When the CJNGs arrived in the area, they seized Moroleón and the metropolitan area that makes up the municipality of Moroleón-UriangatoIt is a textile space dedicated to the manufacture and maquila of clothing, ”says the expert.


“Today is a special day”: Alma Barragán’s last message a few minutes before her assassination
They assassinated Alma Barragán, candidate of the citizen movement in Moroleón
“The hand of organized crime is clearly visible”: CJNG and CSRL allegedly behind attacks on politicians in Moroleón

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