Almost everyone who dies from COVID-19 today in the United States has not been vaccinated


Most COVID-19 deaths in the United States are among unvaccinated people
Most COVID-19 Deaths in US Are Unvaccinated People

Most of the current deaths from COVID-19 in the United States are among unvaccinated people, as reported this Friday by an analysis by the agency Associated press (AP).

The data is considered as a striking demonstration of the effectiveness of injections and an indication that daily deaths, today below 300 in the North American countries, could be practically nil if all eligible were inoculated.

PA identified government data available for the month of May, which shows that “emerging” infections among fully vaccinated people accounted for less than 1,200 of the more than 853,000 COVID-19 hospitalizations. This figure is around 0.1%.

Only about 150 of the more than 18,000 deaths from COVID-19 recorded in May were among fully vaccinated people. That means around 0.8%, or an average of five deaths per day.

The CDC in the United States has not calculated what percentage of hospitalizations and deaths occur in fully vaccinated people (PHOTO: REUTERS)
The CDC in the United States has not calculated what percentage of hospitalizations and deaths occur in fully vaccinated people (PHOTO: REUTERS)

The agency analyzed the figures provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, known as CDC for its acronym in English. The report says the CDC itself has not calculated the percentage of hospitalizations and deaths that occur in people who are fully vaccinated., arguing that there are limits in the data.

Only around 45 states report figures for so-called emerging COVID-19 infections, among hospitalizations and deaths from the disease in the United States. Some localities have made more efforts than others to find these cases. The data likely underestimates these infections, CDC officials added.

Even like that, The overall trend shown by the data reflects what many health authorities are seeing across the country and what leading experts are saying: Almost everyone who dies from COVID-19 in the United States today has not been vaccinated

Complications of Covid-19 are worsened in unvaccinated patients in the United States (PHOTO: EFE)
Complications of Covid-19 are worsened in unvaccinated patients in the United States (PHOTO: EFE)

Earlier this month, Andy Slavitt, a former Joe Biden government adviser on the pandemic, indicated that between 98% and 99% of Americans who die from coronavirus are not vaccinated.

In addition, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said on Tuesday that the vaccine is so effective that “almost all deaths from COVID-19, especially in adults, are completely preventable right now. ”Walensky called the deaths“ particularly tragic ”.

The Covid-19 vaccination plan has been delayed in the United States
The Covid-19 vaccination plan has been delayed in the United States

The stories of people refusing to get vaccinated in the United States run into the thousands. Among them is Ross Bagne, a 68-year-old businessman from Cheyenne, Wyoming. Bagne had been eligible to receive the vaccine since early February, but she never received it.

He died on June 4, infected and unvaccinated, after spending more than three weeks in hospital, with the lungs full of fluid. He was unable to swallow due to a stroke. “He never left the house, so he figured he wouldn’t be infected,” said his sister, Karen McKnight. Why take the risk of not getting vaccinated?

The effects on the vaccination plan

Despite the questions of part of the population, the vaccination plan is maintained in the United States. So far, 65.4% of people over 18 have received at least one dose one of three vaccines licensed in the United States.

But the vaccination rate has slowed since April when it peaked at 3.4 million daily doses. The latest average is around 850,000 daily doses, according to data from health authorities, a figure that includes children and adolescents 12 years and older vaccinated with Pfizer.

(With AP information)

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