Alud buried several cars north of La Paz: 11 dead | Chronic


Heavy rains in the Yungas area, northeast of La Paz, have become a deadly trap for more than a dozen people, victims of a landslide that trapped and dragged several vehicles . In addition, there were 25 wounded.

The tragedy occurred about 150 meters from the road that connects the Yolosita and Caranavi districts, where the upper part of the hill slid between 300 and 400 meters, causing everything in its path. A major rescue operation is quickly organized. It allows to find 11 lifeless people, six adults and five children, although the panorama proposed by the authorities is not the best.

"We badume that the number of victims will increase in the coming days, the amount of land is taken into account, all relief work will last several days, and we have information from the population that several vehicles would still be present. earth, we presume that with its occupants", explained the Minister of Defense, Javier Zabaleta.

In the same sense, the Minister of the Government, Carlos Romero, he described: "Unfortunately, we see even more deaths trapped between the irons of vehicles. "

Official complaint

President Evo Morales he also regretted "a lot"tragedy, product of a "landslide"What "He buried vehicles and left several wounded"In that sense, the rescue operation officials said that the wounded were 25, which were directed to two medical centers in the region.

While the operation took place yesterday in the landslide zone, in Caranavi, the mayor warned that the rains had also affected 10 districts in the area covered with water and had suffered severe property damage .


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