Alumnitos went to recess and began to "rain" dead parrots | Chronic


With screeching cries and blood gushing from their beaks, about 60 dying parrots fell from the sky and were scattered over a plot of land just meters from the construction of a primary school in Adelaide, Australia.

The incident occurred last Wednesday when the children witnessed the terrible fall of the schoolyard's birds, which left them. "Traumatized", said a teacher.

School staff called the local bird rescue center and reported the incident. L & # 39; ornithologist Sarah King examined the parrots Corella, a protected species of the country, and concluded that they were poisoned.

"I received an anguished phone call, telling me that they were literally falling trees, sky, everywhere"says the specialist. "I'm 47 years old, I saw it all, but I burst into tears because of the heartbreaking moans of the parrots, I can not even imagine how the kids reacted to that."Lamented the king.


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