"Always faithful, never traitors" | Nicolás Maduro …


Nicolás Maduro today called on the Venezuelan army to defend the country against possible US military interference. The president asked the Bolivarian national armed forces "to be ready to defend the country with arms in hand if the American empire dares to touch this country".

The Venezuelan president spoke to about 5,300 people in uniform, most of whom were cadets. "Union, cohesion, discipline, obedience, subordination and supreme loyalty to the Constitution, to the homeland, to the revolution and to the legitimate commander-in-chief!", Said the Bolivarian leader. "I said yesterday to the generals and admirals: loyalty, I want active loyalty, I trust you, but a naked eye, a handful of traitors can not tarnish the honor, the union , the cohesion and the image of the armed forces, "added Maduro.

He referred to the attempt last Tuesday, led by MP Juan Guaidó, supported by a small group of members of the National Guard. The president described the coup as "coup d'etat" and accused the Donald Trump government of being behind with the intention of keeping the oil reserves of the Caribbean country .

"They have an unconventional war to weaken the country and a conspiracy with a lot of money to weaken, destroy and divide the Bolivarian National Armed Forces from within, with a group of coup conspirators. State, "said Maduro.

Before the speech, broadcast on radio and television, Maduro was driving a military vehicle on a large esplanade where there is a training base of the armed forces in El Pao, in the state of Cojedes, in the northwestern Venezuela.

Earlier, on Twitter, the president had estimated that "a handful of traitors sold to US interests will not tarnish the country's military honor" and that "our FANB is deeply committed to the protection of the people, the defense of national sovereignty and the Constitution, it is an institution of morality and enlightenment.

Meanwhile, the opposition has called to return to the gates of the barracks to ask the military to join their fight to bring down the government. However, nothing planned by Guaidó has materialized and continues to add failures to his coup plan.


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