Alyssa Carson: The 17-year-old girl who could be the first astronaut to march on Mars | Technology


He pbaded all the tests of the US space agency, has his own key code and participated in special panels on the exploration of the red planet with astronauts and space scientists, and is only 17 years old

Alyssa Carson is only a teenager, but she became the number one candidate of the US National Administration of Aeronautics and space (or NASA) at the head of the trip. Although she technically can not apply to the astronaut program since she is only 17 years old, she has already participated in several exercises in the space camp. l & # 39; organization. with NASA's scientific teams, including official discussion groups on the challenges of human exploration of the red planet.

In an interview with T een Vogue magazine, Alyssa explained that his interest in space began at a very young age "I saw an episode of ] Backyardigans when I was little and I said to myself "wow, this red planet looks great," and I started watching Rover videos , missions and even a map of Mars in my room.We bought a telescope to watch the stars. "

These are memories that he cherishes when he is on a training mission, that he He receives every two months.

Last day of training, parachute simulated in @FFDSpaceSuits space suit with @PoSSUMAstronaut

– Alyssa Carson ( @ NASABlueberry1) April 16, 2018

At the age of 7, her father took her to the Huntsville, Alabama Space Camp, a place designed to lure children into related professions in the exploration of space

. years when he decided that it was not just a hobby or pbadive interest, after meeting the astronaut Sandra Magnus. "It happens what happens to other children, changing your mindset about your future career, such as when you decide you want to be a teacher or try to become a president," she explained.

Currently, Alyssa is learning 3 languages ​​in addition to their mother tongue: Chinese, Spanish and French and looking for a university where they can learn the language. astrobiology, to advance in their dream of going to space . Unfortunately, his dream also involves sacrifices. She has to attend lectures and exercises around the world, which means that she often can not spend quiet time at home, and NASA advised her not to have a family or even a couple before the mission possible in 2033.

"Mars is a place where we have never been before, and it is a dangerous mission.Having someone you love on earth would be a distraction If I find someone like that, they will have to wait "he said determinedly to Teen Vogue

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