Alyssa Carson, the 17-year-old girl who could go to Mars


The greatest adventure of Alyssa Carson is not on Earth. This young woman, only 17 years old, will be one of the first people to travel to Mars aboard a space mission.

Born in Louisiana, United States she is ready to take He completed this intergalactic dream, began his training at Space Camp the Space Academy and Robotics Academy, is the youngest graduate from the Advanced Space Academy.

He also became the only one to complete the program. Pbadport of NASA which consists of visiting the 14 visitor centers of NASA, located in 9 states of the American Union.

 According to his parents, his dream of space began at the age of three. "I did the same thing as other kids, like changing careers, wanting to become a teacher or president someday." "But the way I always thought about it was that I would become an astronaut, go to March go back and become a teacher or president," Alyssa said in an interview for the magazine. Teen Vogue ]

Known by NASA with the code name of Blueberry she was invited by this agency to be in the panel Mars Exploration Rovers in Washington DC, to talk about future missions to Mars


And was chosen as one of seven ambbadadors to represent Mars One a mission to establish a human colony on Mars in 2030 [19659002] On his website the young woman states that "she is animated by an insatiable desire to live life to the maximum, break the ceiling of possibilities s and have a positive and lasting impact on the world. "


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