Amado Boudou, oral trial for apocryphal indemnity surrender


March 26, 2019
– 11:03

The magistrate closed the investigation and shot the case at random. He is treated for alleged false invoices

The judge Federal Ariel Lijo sent to the oral and public trial the former vice president, Amado Boudou, in case he is treated for travel expenses.

The magistrate closed the investigation and shot the case at random. The former vice president is being sued for alleged false invoices.


Ramos Padilla quoted Stornelli for the fourth time.

The main changes of the comprehensive reform of the Penal Code

All were presented to pay the costs of accommodation and services between 2010 and 2011. Boudou is currently tried in two other cases.

One concerns the alleged purchase of high-end vehicles with an alleged incremental cost for the Ministry of Economy.

The other cause in which he is tried is the alleged falsification of documents of a vehicle of his property.

In addition, he is imprisoned for the sentence imposed on him by the Ciccone printing works.


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