Amazing discovery: they discovered intact remains of …


Scientists Pompeii archaeological park, located in Italy, discovered the intact skeletons of two men, a nobleman between 30 and 40 years old and his young slave. According to the reconstruction, which has reached an impressive level of detail, both died without being able to escape the eruption of the volcano Vesuvius in 79 AD. They were so well preserved that experts could distinguish that the first wore a woolen coat, and the second a short tunic.

The remains of the two bodies were found in a side space of the cryptoporticus, in the noble part of the suburban town of Civita Giuliana, a majestic domain of the time of Emperor Augustus, which once had living rooms and balconies overlooking the sea.

The land is outside the Pompeian walls, some 700 meters to the northwest, an area where archaeologists found in 2017 the remains of three horses in the stables, with their saddles and harnesses.

The cryptoporticus, for its part, provided access to the upper floor and was a space about 2.20 meters high, but the length of which is unknown at the moment, and had a wooden floor as indicated by the presence in the walls of six holes to shelter the beams which supported a gallery.


To reconstruct the bodies of the victims, the experts used the ancient technique of make molds with plaster, invented in the 19th century by Giuseppe Fiorelli, which consists of the introduction of a liquid coating in the cavities of the skeletal remains of the inhabitants of the ancient Roman city.

In this way, they succeeded in rendering the shape of the bodies and determining that the first The victim was a “young man, between 18 and 23/25 years old, measuring approximately 156 cm”, who wore a short tunic, and with visible signs indicating that he had done a “big job”, so scientists and Les specialists in Pompeii believe he was a slave.

During this time, the second man was between “30 and 40 years old and about 162 cm” and wore a long tunic or woolen cape.

Both were lying on their backs, hands on their chests, and in clothes distinguished to the folds, something “incredible” as the Italian Minister of Culture, Dario Franceschini described it.

The first excavations in the region date back to the beginning of the 20th century by order of the Marquis Giovanni Imperiali, then owner of the estate.

The work in progress has been fully funded by the park of Pompeii to the tune of one million euros and aims to prevent a possible looting of the graves.


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