Amazon: after the fires, France will not support the EU-Mercosur agreement


August 23, 2019
– 09:08

Emmanuel Macron accused Jair Bolsonaro of lying in his environmental commitments

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, considered that his Brazilian pair, Jair Bolsonaro, "lied" in its environmental commitments, so to oppose the signing of the free trade agreement between the European Union (EU) and Mercosur.

"In view of the attitude of Brazil in recent weeks, the President can only confirm that the President Bolsonaro lied to him at the Osaka summit"G20," said sources of the presidency of the Gala, adding that "under these conditions, France will oppose the agreement with Mercosur".

On his side, Bolsonaro had accused Macron on Thursday of having acted with "colonialist mentality"for summoning G7 members to discuss the" crisis "caused by fires in the Amazon region.


Amazonas: the impact of the fire on Argentina

Mauricio Macri: "I am affected by the fires in the Brazilian Amazon"

"The suggestion of the French president, that the problems of the Amazon are discussed in the G7 without the participation of the countries of the region, evokes a colonialist mentality moved to the twenty-first century," writes the president on Twitter.

To integrate

– O Brazilian Government according to the dialogue, based on objective objectives and not respecting itself. At the suggestion of the French president, the fact that the subjects of the Amazon sejam do not discuss the G7 with participation in two countries in the region, evokes a mentality of uncategorized colonialism not known in the twenty-first century.

– Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro) August 22, 2019

In another message, the far-right president regretted that "Macron is seeking to exploit an internal problem of Brazil and other Amazonian countries" and denounced "the your sensational with which he refers to the Amazon ", also using" fake photos ".


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