Amazon and trade tensions: what remains of the G7's opening | Chronic


World leaders meeting on Saturday at the opening of the G7 summit opened the meeting with an agenda ranging from fires in the Amazon to trade tensions and peace in several conflicting regions, while in the end The clashes of the police and demonstrators protested against the meeting on the outskirts of the French city of Biarritz.

Beyond the home Emmanuel Macron for his peers of the bloc powers, a photo will surely be that of this first day: the one that shows the local president sharing a table for two, facing the sea, with the American Donald Trump

# G7Biarritz You've started We may not be able to do everything we've planned, but we'll do our best to keep you safe, create more jobs, and tackle the inequities you face. I will keep you informed of our progress.

– Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron)
August 24, 2019

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"From time to time, we fight, but not too much, we have a special relationship."Trump said a little conciliatory on his arrival in the city.

After lunch, he returned to his favorite method of communication: he wrote on his Twitter network account that "a lot of good things are happening" between France and the United States.

I just had lunch with the French president @EmmanuelMacron. Many good things are happening for our two countries. Great weekend with other world leaders!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
August 24, 2019

He did not mention, on the contrary, his threat to impose tariffs on imports of French wine in retaliation for the French tax imposed on large companies in the technology sector, called GAFA tax (Google , Apple, Facebook and Amazon), an issue that takes months of controversy.

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The Elíseo Palace said one essential fact: the wine was served at lunch, although Trump, who is sober, again chose a low-calorie soda.

In this context, Bayonne organized new demonstrations in which the police used fire trucks one day after the first demonstrations this Friday about twenty kilometers from Biarritz with several wounded and detainees.

In search of strengthening its global leadership position, Macron not only had lunch with Trump, but he also met several other attorneys who arrived in the city. He used 10 minutes of live telecast to explain the issues on the agenda to the French.

France, the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Canada and Japan will debate trade issues until Monday, the situation in Libya, Syria, in North Korea and Iran, the imminence of Brexit and its possible consequences. hour, the colossal fires of the Amazon, threatening to overthrow the EU-Mercosur agreements.

"Of course, we do not get everything, but I want this G7 to be useful, this meeting is important, without it everyone would follow his path," Macron said in his TV message.

I also read: Macron is still not convinced by the EU-Mercosur agreement

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson explained that "if EU friends do not want a Brexit without agreement, it is necessary to cancel the backstop of the Irish border? In the week, I had already asked that to the 27 member states of the bloc.

The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, he responded to the British Prime Minister, stating that the safeguarding "is a guarantee to avoid a hard border"in Ireland and those who oppose it, but do not give"alternatives " They advocate the restoration of a hard border.

Another point to be debated will be the eventual reintegration of Russia into the G7 after its expulsion from the annexation of Crimea in 2014, which only Trump supports, as well as defining an agenda focused on fighting against inequalities.

On this subject, starting tomorrow, the leaders of South Africa, Australia, Chile, India, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Senegal and Rwanda were also invited to different sessions.

It is a way to broaden the impact of the decisions of a group that, when it was created in 1975, added 70% of gross domestic product (GDP) but had actually lost weight and represented no more than 40% of GDP. %. EFE Agency.

Conscious of the difficulty of reaching a consensus although it is an informal and frank forum for dialogue, Macron has already warned that there would be no final declaration on Monday, but different declarations that would be signed. by those who wish it.

The debate will not be unrelated to the worsening of the trade war between Washington and Beijing, which crossed a few steps on Friday because China has announced a $ 75 billion tariff in retaliation for the US measures and that Trump has responded by increasing the volume of its two previously announced tariff lots. In addition, the tycoon ordered US companies in China (the largest market in the world in a growing number of economic sectors) to leave the country.

The issue has not been added to the prelude to the summit, whose main theme is the global economic downturn caused largely by the conflicts and tensions of international trade.

The first chefs dinner, consisting of a menu of Basque roots: piperrada (made with tomatoes, onions and peppers), marmitako (bluefin tuna) as a main course, a selection of cheeses from the region and the traditional Basque cake .


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