Amazon speaks out in favor of legalizing …


As part of a search to improve the working conditions of its employees, Dave Clark, CEO of Amazon, announced on Tuesday that the company will actively support the law of reinvestment and elimination of opportunities of the Marijuana of 2021 (MORE Act) in the United States.

“In addition to changing our vacation policy, we adjust our drug testing policy for staffClark wrote on the company’s blog.

Currently, Amazon includes the use of marijuana by its employees in its comprehensive drug detection program. As of now, as state laws in the US change course, the CEO noted that marijuana use will be addressed “in the same way as drinking alcohol.” In this sense, the public policy team of Jeff Bezos, CEO of the company, “will support federal legislation that would legalize marijuana at the federal level and that would remove the criminal record. ”


However, these changes were announced in a context of change within the company, which tried to improve the tools of control over its employees. “Time Off Task” is an internal policy to measure the time that employees are connected to software tools in their work area and has been widely criticized for creating a stressful work environment.

In this sense, Clark’s post arises in response to criticism of the productivity demands it places on its employees, especially in distribution centers. As explained by the manager in the post, the main purpose of the metric is to identify if there are any issues with the productivity of the tools people use and, only second, to register employees. with poor performance.

“Seeing that an employee is not connected to software tools for long periods of time (usually more than half an hour) is a good indicator of systemic operational faults, and prompts managers to interact with an employee in order to understand what obstacles the employee faces so that they can be repaired, ”says the CEO.

This is why, in addition to changing the control of drug use, the axis of the mastery of free time will be modified by pointing to “a longer period” in order to focus on “real operational problems to be solved”. “We believe these changes will help ensure that the leave policy works according to our intentions,” concluded the CEO.


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