American Airlines extended the suspension of the Boeing 737 MAX


American Airlines has decided to extend the cancellations of approximately 115 daily flights until September 3, due to the grounding of the Boeing 737 MAX model, following accidents in Ethiopia and Indonesia, who made 346 dead, announced the company.

The largest airline in the United States announced in March to have canceled 90 flights per day until April 24, extended date until August 19 and now 15 additional days until September 3, a reported Europa Press.

In a statement, American Airlines said the measure, which will affect about 115 daily flights, will allow customers and team members to more reliably plan their next trip with the airline.

He also said that he was confident that the Boeing 737 MAX would soon obtain Airworthiness Authority certification to be able to fly, after approving the updated MCAS stabilization system (system of increasing the characteristics of maneuver), who is considered to be responsible for accidents. Ethiopian Airlines and Lion Air.

After the accident in Indonesia, Boeing provided airlines and pilots with an update on the operation of the MCAS, but neither the company nor the regulators felt it necessary to provide additional training for pilots.

This view changed after the Ethiopian Airlines accident, when most industry officials felt that pilot training needed to be strengthened.

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Boeing recently announced the finalization of the software update of this aircraft model, which also includes greater preparation for pilots and system changes that warns the angle of impact of the aircraft. # 39; air.

Since then, he has completed more than 360 flying hours on 207 flights with the software update.

"We have completed all engineering test flights for the software update and we are now preparing for the final certification flight," said Boeing President Dennis Muilenburg.

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The 737 MAX airspace blockade since the March 10 accident in Ethiopia costs Boeing about $ 1,000 million a month to avoid making deliveries, in addition to the losses incurred by operators of the aircraft. model that must cancel Dozens of flights each day.


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