American businessmen met Macri, but Alberto Fernández is already making an appointment


President Mauricio Macri today received the members of the Executive Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Argentina at the Olivos Residence, with whom he spoke about the economic crisis the country is going through and the electoral process. in progress, they informed AmCham daily sources.

The meeting is being held at the request of North American companies, as part of the negotiations that AmCham is planning to conduct with key presidential candidates in the coming weeks.

The first of these meetings took place today with the Head of State and candidate for re-election, but American businessmen are also planning to invite Frente de Todos candidate Alberto Fernández and the federal consensus candidate Roberto Lavagna to exchange their views on the country's progress, confirmed by AmCham. The chronicler

The leaders of the North American companies want to know with their own eyes what are the plans of the government that Lavagna and Alberto Fernández have in mind for Argentina, in case they come to power. And it is clear that the result of the PASS, where the FdT candidate has gained more than 15 points in the official Together for Change, if there are no surprises, is likely to be repeated in October.

"The agendas have not yet been finalized, but they are discussing with the two candidates (Fernández and Lavagna) to meet soon," they told the Chamber of Commerce.

This morning's meeting with President Macri took place as a prelude to the trip the first president will undertake at the end of next week, where he will attend the United Nations General Assembly in Washington.

At the meeting, Macri was accompanied by the secretary of entrepreneurs and SMEs, Mariano Mayer, and the strategic affairs advisor Matías García Oliver.

On the business side, the president of the entity, Roberto Alexander, Facundo Gómez Minujín (1st vice-president), Sergio Kaufman (2nd vice-president), Christoff Poppe (secretary), Pablo Orsei (treasurer) and Gabriel Sakata (Attorney)

AmCham brings together 620 companies that directly employ 420,000 people in more than 200 plants across the country.

The partner companies represent 42 branches of economic activity and represent 19% of GDP, as well as 23% of the country's exports.

44% of the member companies are US-owned, 10% are US-based companies, and the remaining 46% are Argentine or multinational companies with equity.

In the meeting in the residence of Olivos were also Pablo Emilio Beramendi, Martín Genesio, Juan Diddi, Julio Figueroa, Gabriela Renaudo, Mariana Schoua and Diego Bekerman.


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