American pilot revealed shocking details of his “frightening encounter” with a UFO | the Chronicle


The incredible images of the UFO in the form of “Tic-Tac” It surprised everyone and was one of the most mysterious unidentified flying object sightings ever. “Things started to get a little weird”said the pilot and lieutenant of the US Navy Chad Underwood, who described that this approach with the possible extraterrestrial phenomenon was “a frightening encounter”.

The incident occurred while Underwood was conducting a series of group exercises. aircraft carrier USS Nimitz off the coast of Mexico in 2004. The images were recorded by the ship F / A-18 Super Hornet.

Filmmaker Jeremy Corbeau He interviewed the Navy Lieutenant, and it was there that he expressed that the nature of the ticking was erratic. “The speed started to pick up, and that’s when we started to see what we call strobe scrambling lines.”, He described.

Strobe lines displayed by Underwood radar.

According to the serviceman, his ship’s weapons system had been disabled by the time he passed through the UFO and put the object on radar and blocked the target. From that moment, the pilot was completely afraid of it “sinister” situation.

He also pointed out that when he wanted to follow the UFO, he started to see “strobe lines” on your cockpit radar. Underwood explained that these lines are vertical bands that appear on your radar and indicate that the instrument “it’s stuck”.

For their part, the crew of the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser, USS Princeton, had spent the last two weeks tracking down mysterious planes, with advanced passive radar, dubbed the AN / SPY-1B.

Those who also mentioned experiencing this mysterious situation, according to an official investigation, were some pilots of French fighter planes. These soldiers also ensured that their legacy weapon systems were disabled during UFO encounters.

Investigations into UFO phenomena will be “formalized”

Defense Ministry officials released a note saying they would seek “formalize” UFO Investigations (derived from the acronym UFO, in Spanish), which are also often referred to as Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP, for its acronym in English). All of this work is set against the backdrop in which the United States government announced on Friday the UFO report which records 144 sightings since 2004. The US Congress demanded the report after the US military reported numerous cases of objects moving erratically in the sky.


Thus, those responsible for studying the UAP enlist under the “UAP Working Group”. This institution was created after the discovery of a series of leaked videos that show strange encounters between the phenomenon and American warplanes.

The US Department of Defense memorandum consists of: synchronize the collection, reporting and analysis of NAPs and “secure” the ranges of military training and tests; set aside resources and personnel to continue the investigation, apparently confirming the establishment of an official office. In addition, there must be “coordination” between all arms of the US military and intelligence on the subject.

Through this memorandum, the Ministry of Defense itself will also have to report any potential encounter with a PAN within two weeks of it. Thus, analyzes and investigations can be carried out quickly and efficiently.


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