AMIA: a long road of impunity and more oral proceedings on the agenda – 28/02/2019


The never-ending judicial route of the still unpunished case of the 1994 AMIA attack will not have with Thursday's sentence its last chapter nor much less. In the next few months, there will be two more oral trials before the federal courts of Comodoro Py Avenue, but without the main cause being established, namely the death of 85 persons.

Indeed, next week was scheduled the beginning of the new oral trial against the main detainee and the original detainee who had the main cause, Carlos Telleldín, accused of having delivered to the terrorists the car bomb that the justice of the peace had determined was used to commit the attack.

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However, an unexpected statement by prosecutor Abel Córdoba, made Wednesday, could delay the start of the debate, scheduled for June 6, 2019. Cordova pointed out the impossibility of attending hearings of the mega lawsuit in which intervenes with regard to the "K money route" in the Federal Criminal Court 4 (TOCF 4), according to Clarin judicial sources.

According to the sources, at that time, two of the three members of TOCF3 who will judge Telleldín, Andrés Bbado and Fernando Canero, will decide what answer they will give to the surprise proposal of the prosecutor. Telleldín had been acquitted fifteen years ago, during the first oral trial in the AMIA case, because the TOCF3, with other judges already retired, He canceled much of the investigation because of the irregularities detected.

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The same acquittal was given to former police officers in Buenos Aires who had been investigated and jailed by federal judge Juan Jose Galeano, who will hear Thursday whether he is innocent or guilty of crimes allegedly committed. during the investigation, as well as other defendants such as former President Carlos Menem and former intelligence secretary Hugo Anzorreguy.

But in addition, even without a start date but surely in the second half of this year, the oral process will take place the hiding denounced by the dead of a tax ball Alberto Nisman against the former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and others accused of the memorandum of understanding signed by his government with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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This case is in the hands of TOCF8 and was investigated by Judge Claudio Bonadio on the basis of Nisman's complaint four days before his death, a bullet in his head in his apartment in Puerto Madero, still pending, pending d & # 39; investigation. and by monitoring the phone calls of all those involved and people using their cell phones on these days of January 2015 in the crime zone.

This oral trial will seek to determine If Kirchnerism has agreed with Iran of impunity for former leaders of this country that they are actually the only defendants in the main case at the hands of Judge Rodolfo Canicoba Corral, who can not advance because of the non-appearance of foreigners in Argentine courts and lack of results in international catch searches.


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