AMIA attack: Mario Cimadevilla revealed the conspiracy of Macri and Garavano to conceal the perpetrators


He explained why he had left the AMIA unit, the state of the case and said: "Little by little, the truth is emerging."

January 29, 2019

Mario Cimadevilla, a lawyer and former national senator who was part of the AMIA special investigation unit, denounced Mauricio Macri and Germán Garavano by cover friends in the AMIA case.

In statements to Radio 10, said: "One of the tasks we had was to be a complainant, to help the prosecution, in the so-called camouflage case in which prosecutors are investigated and who would have deflected the investigation." In this sentence, he recalled: "But when a year ago, the legal fair ended and we had to go to bear the allegations, the complaint that I represented understood that there were elements to accuse all the world. and Minister Garavano expresses his difference with our criteria ".

"Angelici was behind all that"

"That's why he revokes the powers of the lawyers who acted in the lawsuit and appoint a lawyer who said he was willing to ask for acquittal, " Cimadevilla badured, as he explained: "I have also denounced the interference of the judicial operators, Angelici was behind all that. "

To integrate

He also noted that "it is true that Garavano has told me that Mullen and Barbaccia are friends and can not be charged"and warned that they" were also concerned about the charges against Fino Palacios ".

He himself shared on Twitter a note explaining why he had left the AMIA unit and the status of the case. He stated: "Gradually, the truth is emerging."


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