AMIA: Macri has created a register of terrorist entities (including Hezbollah) and grants compensation to the victims of the attack


In addition, the administration of Mauricio Macri has decreed national duel anniversary of the tragedy and extended the deadline for victims to apply for compensation.

Registration of persons or entities related to acts of terrorism and their financing

By Decree No. 489/2019 published in the Official Journal, it amended a standard of June 2012 and introduced the creation of this register because, until now, Argentina was governed by the consolidated list by the Security Council of Nations. United, which does not include the Shiite group that piloted the Israeli Embbady in 1992 and the AMIA headquarters in 1994.

The executive has pointed out that the RePET will be "guarantee the correct identification and individualization"terrorist groups.

This tool will work within the Ministry of Justice and shall aim to ensure access to and exchange of information on human beings, legal persons and entities related to terrorist acts or their financing and to facilitate national and international cooperation to prevent, combat and eliminate terrorism and its financing.

How do you evaluate the new policy …

The Argentine justice system has made Hezbollah responsible for the attacks against the Israeli diplomatic mission of March 17, 1992, which claimed the lives of 29 people, and against the headquarters of the Argentinian Israel Association (AMIA). July 1994 and left a balance of 85 murdered.

Last Sunday, during an interview, President Mauricio Macri confirmed the government's intention to "declare Hezbollah a terrorist group."

National mourning

In another decree published in the Official Journal (487/2019) Macri decrees the national duel July 18, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the terrorist attack.

In this context, it is specified that the national flag will remain at half-mast tomorrow in buildings and public places.

The text recalls in its recitals that "on July 18 of this year marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the fatal terrorist attack at the headquarters of the Israelite Mutual Association in Argentina (AMIA) which has had painful consequences and irreversible for the Argentines ".

Similarly, he emphasizes that "the magnitude of such a criminal event, which will cost the irreparable loss of precious and irreplaceable people, has left in the Argentine society feelings of repudiation and marked pain"


By Decree No. 486/2019, the government has set the compensation of a dozen former AMIA employees unaffected by the benefits already paid by the state.

Law 27,139 of April 2015 provided for the right to receive "an extraordinary benefit for those dead or for whom serious or very serious injuries had been suffered at the time of the attack within 180 days following the entry into force of the regulation ", an initiative of Cristina Kirchner and regulated in September this year.


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