AMIA: "The accusations against Iran and Hezbollah today are firm and solid"


With the clbadic siren that sounds at 9:53, the exact time of the attack of July 18, 1994, the central act commemorating the 25th anniversary of this terrorist attack began in front of the headquarters of the USSR. AMIA.

This moving sound was followed by a minute of silence in tribute to the 85 victims of the explosion, followed by the mention of the name of each of the deceased.

The main speaker was the president of the entity, Ariel Eichbaumwho said that "25 years later we wonder what is the origin of the hatred that leads a group of people to conceive, plan and execute a terrorist attack for the sole purpose of destroying the lives of other human beings which they chose as the target of their fundamentalist idea ".

"As long as we live in impunity, the pain remains the same as in 1994."

The president of the AMIA was the keynote speaker of the event.

"It has often been said that there was nothing in the AMIA case, that is wrong, that is, those who do not seek the truth want us to believe . In a few weeks, the investigation had already established that the attack was carried out with a car bomb and that Iran, its diplomats and the terrorist organization Hezbollah were responsible, as well as a local link of which Telleldín was undoubtedly part."

"The accusations against Iran and Hezbollah today are firm and solid," said the president of AMIA.

"We believe it is appropriate and important that a milestone has been achieved in the fight against terrorism in the region with the recent creation of a registry of individuals and terrorist organizations. A few minutes ago, we received confirmation that Hezbollah had been included in this recording.", Stressed Eichbaum.

"We are convinced of Carlos Telleldín's responsibility as a necessary participant in the attack."

"He was the one who prepared and conditioned the traffic truck used as a car bomb, he always knew who he had given it and in those 25 years the only thing he was doing was lying, hijacking and preventing justice from progressinghe stressed.

Macri was absent but several ministers were present, including Marcos Peña and Chancellor Jorge Faurie.

The development of this new test worries us a lot"warned the leader and added that" the new court has given a shockingly slow hearings once a week. We can not wait anymore. We need answers, and soon. Each pbading year, justice becomes more distant, more abstract and seems to lose its natural meaning"

"We know that Alberto Nisman was murdered and murdered for being the prosecutor of the AMIA case," said the head of the Jewish Mutual.

"We opposed the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between our country and the Islamic Republic of Iran.Eichbaum said: "We opposed it because we understood that it would plunge the investigation into a labyrinth that it would never leave. You can not agree with the murderers"he said.

At the end of his speech, the president of the AMIA said: "We are not responsible for justice, it is not in our hands, it is the powers of the state that are responsible for providing and guaranteeing it. "

Then it was the doctor's turn Florentino Sanguinetti, director of the hospital clinics in 1994, the place that helped most of the wounded during the attack.

"Hospital clinic doctors felt that the AMIA attack had divided our lives in half and that after the day we were no longer alike."

Then the musicians Lito Vitale and Juan Carlos Baglietto played and the act ended with the lyrics of Sofia Guterman, Andrea's mother, one of the victims of the attack, on behalf of relatives.

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