AMIA: the United States has identified an organizer of the attack | Chronic


The Secretary of State of the United States, Mike Pompeo, badured that the terrorist organization Hezbollah was responsible for the attack perpetrated against the AMIA 25 years ago, with the support of Tehran; and stated that he has identified a member of this group, Salman Rauf Salman, as an organizer.

The announcements were made this Friday during a press conference, on the occasion of which he was accompanied by the Argentine Chancellor. Jorge Faurie, during a ceremony at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the 25 years of the bombing of AMIA.

The second Ministerial Meeting against Terrorism today is an important step towards strengthening flexible and effective multilateralism against threats emanating from transnational terrorist groups. We are committed to working with our partners to address the threats and gaps that terrorist groups exploit.

– Pompeo Secretary (@SecPompeo)
July 19, 2019

They also confirmed that the two officials, as well as those from Paraguay and Brazil, would hold semi-annual meetings. The first will be "before the end of the year" in Asunción to establish "regional security mechanisms" in the fight against terrorism.


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