AMIA: They discover how a Lebanese from the Triple Frontier has washed money for Hezbollah's finances – 17/07/2018


Although the Lebanese Assad Barakat had a request for detention of the Argentine justice in 2006, he entered the country 332 times since 2012 to date, he washed $ 10 million in a casino in Puerto Iguazú and traveled once a year to Lebanon and Iran.

A secret statement declares him as the "financier" in the Hezbollah Triple Border region, who is accused as the perpetrator of the crime. Terrorist Attack Against AMIA

His son-in-law is considered to be Hezbollah's "chief of the military wing" in the region, among other information provided by the government to the federal judge of the missionary city of Eldorado, Miguel Guerrero The Financial Information Unit (FIU) decreed the freezing of the badets of the Barakat clan for 6 months but the final decision will remain in the hands of Judge Guerrero investigating Barakat's commercial relations in Argentina under the secrecy of the summary

Barakat's mission and his parents' clan "is to raise funds" to send alleged charity related to Hezbollah, a politico-military structure of Lebanon accused of being the material author of the AMIA attack of 1994 and included in the list of terrorist organizations in the US and Israel, between other countries . The main political, economic, military and religious support of Hezbollah is Iran . Both countries profess Shia Islam. Barakat had already been denounced by the former AMIA prosecutor, Alberto Nisman

The report of the Financial Information Unit (UIF), led by Mariano Federici, considers Barakat [[] as a "terrorist financier" ] although Argentina has no law to regard him as a terrorist. The definition means a change of foreign policy with respect to Kirchnerism which, in recent years, had underestimated these suspicious financing activities of the Triple Frontier Zone, from which the judiciary considered the Trafic suicide driver used as a car bomb and the detonator used for the 300 kilograms of ammonia that flown the AMIA, among other logistical support to the attack. The complaint of the FIU was supported yesterday by Fincen, the US anti-money laundering agency

The new Barakat clan investigation was launched by the FIU after receiving various reports of suspicious transactions of 39, a casino for "tax evasion" and US intelligence information The Barakat clan is composed of fourteen people involved in the crimes of falsification of documents, money and trademarks, smuggling of clothing, extortion, drug trafficking and weapons and terrorist financing. . In recent years, trademark counterfeiting and smuggling of clothing has become a more important source of terrorist financing than drug trafficking.

The first track arrived from the Puerto Iguazú Casino. Between 2015 and April 2018 Barakat received a chip change of $ 11,700,000. He received cash in cash and then returned to Ciudad del Este without declaring that he was carrying any money. Customs forces to declare when the traveler takes more than 10 thousand dollars. In the government sources consulted the origin of the money that played Barakat and how much really bet how to win so much prize is not known. In any case, the FIU and the Chief of the Prosecutor for Economic Crime and Money Laundering (PROCELAC), Gabriel Pérez Barberá, suspect that it was a mechanism of money laundering to be able to later transform white factories abroad. The second clue about how the clan operated has to do with a report from the Migration Directorate, led by Horacio García. Barakat had 620 migratory pbadages between January 2015 and October 2017: that is to say every three days he visited Argentina. But of this total of trips, 332 correspond to income and only 288 to departures. As a result, there were many exits by illegal means that were not registered.

Barakat's brother, Hussein Ali, on the other hand, between 1 January 2015 and 19 October 2017 had 257 Migratory Cross (still between Brazil and Argentina) . Hussein Ali resides in Brazil. And he collected prizes for $ 7,657,709, with the same modus operandi . In the Argentine government, we know that they also played a lot of money at the Conrad casino hotel, located in Punta del Este, Uruguay. The Barakat clan, consisting of 14 people, highlights the relationship that Clarín accepted, they share patterns: "everyone crossed the border with a difference of minutes, in shared vehicles and sometimes all won prices at the Casino "Onze of them reside in Brazil and three in Paraguay.This group collected, in total, between 2012 and 2018 $ 102 812 668. At the exchange rate at that time, this total represents $ 10 million None of the 14 declared before AFIP the funds deposited nor the prices removed from the country.

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