Amid health collapse, Brazil added record for coronavirus deaths in one day


Coronavirus hits hard in Brazil and in the last 24 hours they have registered 1641 deaths, the highest amount in a single day since the start of the pandemic.

The total number of cumulative deaths is 257,361, as the local health ministry reported on Tuesday. With the disease on the rise, the average for the last few days has reached 1,262 deaths per day, while until February this average never exceeded 1000.

The previous daily record was dated July 29, with 1,595 deaths. And there is only one country in the world that has more deaths from COVID-19 than Brazil: United States.

In turn, Brazil has recorded 59,925 infections in the past 24 hours and has racked up more than 10.6 million since the start of the pandemic, surpassed only by the United States and India.

Health collapse in Santa Catarina and Minas Gerais

Call propagation Amazon strain, a variant more contagious than the original and which has been detected in 17 states of the country, has caused in the last hours a health collapse in Santa Catarina and Minas Gerais, where serious patients have had to be transferred to other districts.

At least six people have died since Friday due to a lack of intensive care beds in Santa Catarina, bordering the province of Misiones, Argentina, according to the channel. World based on complaints from parents and paramedics.

There is a 98.6% occupation of intensive therapy beds for COVID-19 and, for this reason, Governor Carlos Moisés said the night and weekend curfew, in addition to the ban on staying on the beaches of Florianópolis and its neighboring municipalities, which are generally the main destination for summer tourism in the Mercosur countries.

The situation is so dire that Santa Catarina broke the record of 80 deaths in 24 hours and has already racked up 7,438 deaths and 675,000 reported cases since the start of the pandemic.

Brazil is the second country with the most deaths and the third in number of infections. (Photo: AFP)

Coronavirus in the world: the Amazon variant wreaks havoc in Brazil

At least 18 Brazilian states are with more than 80% occupancy of beds for Covid-19, according to the latest investigation by state laboratory Fiocruz.

In January, the hospital system in Manaus, the capital of the Amazon, collapsed due to a lack of oxygen tubes, causing multiple suffocation deaths in Covid-19 patients and emergency transfers of ‘about 200 patients to other states.

In recent days, it was also known that the Amazon variant, also known as P.1, could escape antibodies generated by the vaccine from the Chinese laboratory of Sinovac, known as Coronavac, according to a preliminary study by researchers. scientists from the University of Sao Paulo (USP) and the University of Campinas (Unicamp).


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