Amid the coronavirus pandemic, Nicolás Maduro called for carnival celebration and extended opening week


Nicolás Maduro announces last week a relaxation for the carnival

The Venezuelan opposition condemned dictator Nicolás Maduro’s urging citizens to participate in comparsas during carnival, despite the high risk of contagion of COVID-19 that exists during the countless events that are celebrated on Monday and Tuesday, have declared holidays across the country.

According to the quarantine system put in place by the president, which consists of 7 days of closure followed by as much partial relaxation, this week should be restricted, but, on the occasion of the celebration of carnival, the regime was extended until Wednesday 17, the opening.

The executive urged Venezuelans to celebrate, calling for accountability and to comply with established biosafety measures, but, as happened during the election campaign for the December legislative elections and with the Christmas festivities, the required distance is not respected, as evidenced by some photos published by Maduro on his Twitter account.

Maduro's tweet (@NicolasMaduro)
Maduro’s tweet (@NicolasMaduro)

Former member of the National Assembly (AN, Parliament) Omar Gonzalez described as “imprudence“These celebrations in a country where the administration”does not equip sentinel hospitals and does not distribute prevention supplies, does not even guarantee access to drinking water to maintain the levels of hygiene necessary to cut the chain of transmission of COVID-19 ”.

“Despite all this, it opens up the possibility of speeding up contacts between citizens, thus increasing the options for the spread of the coronavirus,” the opponent said.

In González’s opinion, the celebration of carnival in the midst of a pandemic ”This is the regime’s biggest reckless act, which tries to continue its policy of bread and circuses in the midst of a serious situation like the current one ”.

Children celebrating carnival in Venezuela (@NicolasMaduro)
Children celebrating carnival in Venezuela (@NicolasMaduro)

In addition, he warned of increasing cases “which can be given after the carnival holidays“, As happened in December, after the special opening for the Christmas holidays.

“While the world tightens the nuts before the appearance of new variants of the Chinese virus, here it is the opposite which is done and the reality of the country is even more anarchic”, he insisted.

(With information from EFE)


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