AMLO accused the INE of not promoting or installing enough boxes for the People’s Consultation


President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has said he will not be able to vote in Nayarit (Photo: Twitter / QuirinoOC)
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has said he will not be able to vote in Nayarit (Photo: Twitter / QuirinoOC)

Despite the electoral ban, the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador reiterated its appeal to the Mexican people to come out and participate in the Referendum of this Sunday, August 1, who is looking for “to pursue” to the last five former presidents of the country for the crimes they allegedly committed.

This is how he said this Saturday during a press conference of the State of Sinaloa, where he went to monitor the progress of the San Ignacio-Tayoltita highway, in which he was accompanied by the governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel and the new president, the morenista Rubén Rocha.

“You have to participate, you have to give the opinion that you have, in every way, as free women and men […] Participatory democracy is very important: democracy is not exhausted only by electing our representatives; people must constantly participate. This is why the importance of consultations, of the plebiscite, of the referendum ”

Infographic: Infobae / Mexico
Infographic: Infobae / Mexico

However, and without mentioning his name, the leader of the so-called “Fourth Transformation” accused at the National Electoral Institute (OTHER), responsible for organizing the vote, not installing enough boxes, as good as do not disseminate the necessary information on the importance of the first popular consultation in Mexico.

“Tomorrow I am going to Nayarit and I thought to vote, but there is none, there will be no polling station and nothing is heard, there is no information … silence, when they should promote the participation of the people […] Unfortunately, those who should promote this consultation do not want to know anything, and there are not enough boxes either. “

Despite his statements, the chief executive discarded as the request go to failure, as some have predicted opponents to your government. And is that he pointed out that the most important thing is celebrate democracy.

Here's how the ballot will go (Photo: Twitter / C_Humphrey_J)
Here’s how the ballot will go (Photo: Twitter / C_Humphrey_J)

In this sense, he recalled that in March 2021 the request for revocation of mandate, which indicated that it is established that every three years, at the midpoint of six years, the population is interviewed whether he wishes the President of the Republic to continue or resign.

“Why is this important? So that the people always have, I repeat, in their hands the power that no one feels absolute at any level of the ladder.”

López Obrador assured that there are leaders who have between 20 and 30% acceptance among the population and with these clues it wouldn’t be fair endure his entire mandate and continue to hurt your leaders.

Election day It will start this Sunday at 8:00 a.m. and end at 6:00 p.m. (Central Mexico Time). INE will install 57,124 reception tables throughout the national territory, which will be operated by 286,380 officials.

To consult the precise location of the reception table that corresponds to you, enter the following link, You can also dial the telephone number of the INETEL (800 433 2000) or send a WhatsApp at 5558097300.

The electoral list is made up of 93,489,989 citizens registered on the nominal list and so that the result is binding should vote near 37,439,023 Mexicans.

Because the coronavirus pandemic has been raging in the country and around the world for more than a year, the measures to ensure health of citizens and reduce the risk of contagion will be:

– Wearing a mask is compulsory.

– Antibacterial gel when entering and leaving the box.

– Constant disinfection of surfaces.

– Strict respect for healthy distancing.

– It is recommended to bring your own pen or marker


“The organization of the popular consultation was a success”: INE called on citizens to vote on August 1
The reality of the popular consultation of AMLO: is it about suing the former presidents?
Miguel Ángel Mancera assured that there is no citizen interest for the popular consultation of AMLO

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