AMLO anticipates that Mexico will have its own "Border Patrol"


After months of Donald Trump's controversial crackdown on immigration, the virtual elected president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador provides his own border police for Avoid Undocumented immigrants, drugs and weapons enter the country of Central America, said the proposal of the Secretary of Public Security, Alfonso Durazo .

Durazo, elected by Lopez Obrador for this position, stressed that the new force would be part of a larger regional development effort aimed at alleviating the poverty and violence that drives so many Central Americans to cross Mexico. The police force will be considerable, he said, and will also be deployed on the northern border of Mexico. He declined to offer additional details as they are still under discussion.

"We will create a border police force that will be highly specialized (…) They must enforce the law," which includes the prohibition on undocumented immigrants and human traffickers To enter Mexico, which they often do with the help of corrupt officials, Durazo said in an interview.

López Obrador and the left-wing party he formed in 2014, Morena, won a landslide victory in last week's elections after voters, disgusted by rising crime, corruption and of poverty, have expelled the parties. traditional country. AMLO, as it is known, has also received a boost from promises to protect Mexicans against the repression of immigrants by US President Donald Trump. Now, he will face the unenviable task of securing the country's wild south border while avoiding the radical tactics that have criticized Trump.

López Obrador, who will badume the presidency on December 1, will meet Friday with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. It is likely that immigration is one of the topics they discuss.

Absolute Failure

Durazo stressed that the most important measures to contain immigration under the López Obrador government will be humanitarian and will include coordination with the Central American countries to improve the quality of life of their citizens.

The former private secretary of the former president Vicente Fox said that Mexico's security strategy has completely failed and needs to be revised. "The legitimate use of force by the state is a resource, but it should not be the first resource, it should be the last," he said.

The new priority of the new administration will be to fight against the causes of violence. For example, preventing corruption will dramatically increase salaries and benefits for the police and create more police academies to double the number of security personnel who can receive training per year, he added. .

Lopez Obrador's chief police officer reiterated his comments to Bloomberg in April that the sale and use of marijuana should be decriminalized and settled. But before a political decision is made on this, he will submit to a public referendum, he said.

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