AMLO spokesman described the criticized metal fence in the National Palace before 8M as a “wall of peace”


The National Palace was surrounded by fences on the eve of the March 8 protests (Photo: Mario Jasso / Cuartocuro)
The National Palace was surrounded by fences on the eve of the March 8 protests (Photo: Mario Jasso / Cuartocuro)

Beyond the commemoration of a calendar event, the 8 March is the symbol of Wrestle for many women looking for justice in mexico. On the eve of the call for protesters to take to the streets, the Mexican government, led by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, reaffirmed symbolic separation with feminist collectives, by a fence around the National Palace.

On the morning of March 5, the usual landscape of the Plaza de la Constitución in Mexico City has undergone significant changes. From rue de Moneda and Corregidora, a series of fences three meters high They were placed all over the facade of the building where the president resides and from where he dispatches. Since then, various officials and related persons arguments were addressed to him to justify the presence of this border.

One of them is Jesus ramirez cuevas, General Coordinator of Social Communication of the Presidency, who this morning broadcast a message via his Twitter account, @JesusRCuevas.

The presidential spokesman called the decision a peace measure (Photo: Twitter @ JesusRCuevas)
The presidential spokesman called the decision a peace measure (Photo: Twitter @ JesusRCuevas)

The pdte. @lopezobrador_ gives guarantees to the demonstrations of 8M. The seat of the National Palace is to protect and not to suppress; take care of the heritage of all Mexicans and avoid confrontation. It is a wall of peace that guarantees freedom and protects against provocations

The measure was surprising, because This is the first time that a measure of this spirit has been directed. However, it is of particular importance, as it is headed by an administration which, since the start of the six-year term, she proclaimed herself “on the side of the victims”, even as a feminist..

“Caring for the heritage of all Mexicans”, was one of the arguments put forward by the spokesperson for the presidency. In fact, in a public act by Quintana Roo, the same López Obrador assured that among the women demonstrators, there are people who seek to “do harm, use violence and throw Molotov cocktails”..

The protesters' slogans highlighted various forms of violence (Photo: Sáshenka / EFE)
The protesters’ slogans highlighted various forms of violence (Photo: Sáshenka / EFE)

However, with the measure implemented and the discussion on its legitimacy or not, the Mexican government has placed it at the center of public debate. protecting buildings above slogans and demands which will resonate in the streets next Monday.

One of the most recent protests concerned the disagreement with the candidacy of Félix Salgado Macedonio by the National Regeneration Movement (Brunette) to rule Guerreroas the dismissed senator was chosen by five women for sexual violence. However, this is one of the many complaints that show the violence suffered by millions of women on a daily basis.

According to statistics recorded by the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP), from 2015 to 2020 the number of femicides has doubled. In the first year there were 411 such crimes, however, for 2016 there were 605 and a year later, 742 femicides. In 2018, the murdered women recorded in the said database were 893 and the number continued to grow in 2019, with 940 recorded cases. Last year ended with 860 femicides.

Women from feminist groups in Guerrero demonstrated at La Plancha del Zócalo to give a post for the dismissal of Félix Salgado Macedonio for the candidacy of the State of Guerrero (Photo: Andrea Murcia /
Women from feminist groups in Guerrero demonstrated at La Plancha del Zócalo to give a post for the dismissal of Félix Salgado Macedonio for the candidacy of the State of Guerrero (Photo: Andrea Murcia /

However, in the report on violence against women presented by the same entity, recorded 939 crimes for femicide over the past year. Also, so far this year 2021, a further 67 were recorded, with the State of Mexico being the entity with the highest incidence, followed by Veracruz, Morelos and Chiapas, with 12, 6, 5 and 4 cases respectively.

Although the authorities have called for peaceful protests, the truth is that the measures implemented at the government level have been insufficient to guarantee peace and security for women


“I may be afraid, but I am not a coward”: AMLO assured that the metal fence of the National Palace is intended to avoid clashes on March 8
Armored vehicles as anticipating war: the image of the National Palace lasts four days before International Women’s Day
“La Muralla Chaira”: the nickname that the National Palace received after the installation of the fences

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