“AMLO will be the most expensive president in history”: Brozo and Loret point out that the president is infatuated


Carlos Loret de Mola and Víctor Trujillo criticized the president of Monterrey (Photo: Screenshot LatinUs)
Carlos Loret de Mola and Víctor Trujillo criticized the president of Monterrey (Photo: Screenshot LatinUs)

Carlos Loret de Mola Yes Victor trujillo in his role of clown “Brozo», They met in Monterrey, to emphasize that economic losses due to power outages has occurred in the entity in the past few weeks left more losses than the health crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

“For many industries, the blackout was worse in terms of economic losses than the blow from the COVID-19 pandemic,” De Mola told his partner in Chapter 21 of Latin.

They criticized that due to the power cuts there were effects across all sectors, including students taking online courses, lack of refrigeration of edibles, as well as transportation routes. and industries.

The President noted that "has other data" (Photo: Presidency of Mexico)
The president points out that “he has other information” (Photo: Presidency of Mexico)

Although millionaire losses have been recorded, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has denied that there have been any.

– “The president is in this minimization planDe Mola said.

– “Yes, everything is fine,” Trujillo replied ironically.

In this sense, the columnist also wondered if the Federal President is “a compulsive liar or can no longer see reality”, since he seems not to notice the more than 182,000 deaths from COVID-19 and the breakdowns of electricity that cost millions of pesos.

In addition, he pointed out that in the midst of the blackout, López Obrador’s electricity reform will be “the beginning of economic collapse”.

Monterrey lost power a few weeks ago (Photo: REUTERS / Daniel Becerril)
Monterrey lost power a few weeks ago (Photo: REUTERS / Daniel Becerril)

“But brother, you don’t see a president able to rectify, you don’t see a president able to listen, the one who is going to go down in history as the great destroyer is him, and no matter how much he is told he warns you, you’re alerted, deaf ears, ”said De Mola.

In this way, they ensured that the reform proposed by the Federal President will give the impression that cancellation of New Mexico International Airport through the military airport of Santa Lucía was “child’s play“.

Journalists accused the president’s decisions of turning into personal whims, since he does not visualize the losses they generate for the population.

AMLO will be the most expensive president in history […] I want my train, I want my refinery. Pure whim, pure intuition, no technique, ”said the columnist.

Reporters discussed various issues (Photo: Screenshot LatinUs)
Reporters discussed various issues (Photo: Screenshot LatinUs)

They also accused that López Obrador “extinguishes democracy”, by making the institutions of past administrations its enemies, in order to be the sole authority which weighs in the management of the country.

In addition to this, they recalled that the results of the public account presented by the Superior Audit of the Federation had given the government “a beating” and that the performance of David Colmenares left much to be desired.

They pointed out that now that the army has been given the incumbent role in the management of the works, as was the case in the case of the Santa Lucía airport, it has been exposed to a possible bad administrative management.

Víctor Trujillo Brozo is an avid critic of AMLO (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Víctor Trujillo Brozo is a staunch critic of AMLO (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Everything the military does, is challenged by the audit and then they double the auditor, who doubled it?“Said the reporter.

The above in relation to the fact that the auditor pointed out that the López Obrador airport project would spend three times what had been proposed, and after the president’s indication of “other data”, he immediately had to review the information.

The “other data” discourse has won, which is what is dangerous. The auditor ended up validating the “ other data ” discourse […] Let’s see, Brozo, they panic the president»Loret de Mola concludes.


‘They didn’t want to tell the truth’: Brozo and Loret accused government of hiding López Obrador after COVID-19 contagion
This is how Brozo mocked the Santa Lucía airport, the job AMLO claimed to be a “feat”
From “you are not God” to “the pandemic was too big for them”: Brozo’s attacks on the AMLO government

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