Ammunition shipment was tampered with in customs



These two questions are decisive in confirming the crime which is the subject of a judicial investigation for aggravated smuggling. Since they were not authorized, they could not be legally shipped. This “inconsistency” does not appear in the customs computerized entry system, which would be uploaded 48 hours after the end of the on-site verification. Was this an attempt to save the lack of legal authorization to include them in the “temporary export” that had been agreed between the gendarmerie and customs under the leadership of Diego Dávila?

Given this scenario, and as corresponds to the crime under investigation, yesterday the current head of customs, Silvia Traverso appeared as a plaintiff for this body before the court of Javier López Biscayart. They announced that they will bring their expertise to the investigation which also includes prosecutor Claudio Navas Rial. In addition, the documentation has already been provided, among which that published by Ámbito. It is only with what is revealed in this published customs invoice that it suffices to verify the criminal type of smuggling of war elements and controlled material.

Perhaps another element contained in this document ends up graphically representing the degree of transversal engagement which involved Defense, Security, Gendarmerie, ANMAC and Customs. In item 18 of the verified list and under the description “12.70 MM A / T cartridges” appears the amount of “71,350” for a total value -in terms of customs duties- of u $ s8,562. This confirms that the arsenal was loaded on the Hercules C-130, adding 70,000 cartridges to the 1,350 that accompanied Grupo Alacrán. Among them, 40,000 were dismissed by letter from the Bolivian Air Force and nearly 30,000 were found in the police depot in La Paz. It is presumed that this was the original destination of the war material.

The gendarmerie invoice – which indicates the FOB value, specific to “export” in fiscal terms – established that the total value was US $ 39,645.15.

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