Amnesty has alerted Mauricio Macri on "rhetoric hostile to DD.HH" by Jair Bolsonaro


Amnesty International Argentina sent a map to the president Mauricio Macri in order to warn of a series of "disturbing" situations and policies that have occurred in Brazil in the field of human rights under the President's government Jair Bolsonaro and that the organization wants the Argentine president to include them in discussions with his neighbor when the two leaders meet at Casa Rosada.

The letter is signed by Amnesty's local director, Mariela Belski, and lists first "Rhetoric hostile to human rights by high level authorities". This type of behavior, which does not exclude Bolsonaro himself, "stimulates the proliferation of hate speech, polarizes society and could legitimize various human rights violations".

Equally relevant, says Amnesty, is easing regulations on possession and possession of firearms, thanks to the decree signed by Bolsonaro under number 9785 / 2019. Amnesty is concerned that "The increase in gun traffic is closely related to the increase in crime and insecurity"In addition, it can help to increase the lethality of police actions.

Bolsonaro arrives to show his support for Macri against "the corruption of the past"

A day earlier, eleven justice ministers from previous governments, from Fernando Henrique Cardoso to Michel Temer, issued a letter to Folha in which they rejected the security policy of the current Brazilian government, with particular emphasis on their ideas. armament field Also Aministía highlighted this area while highlighting the tougher punitive nature of Bolsonaro's drug policy, which "may lead to serious human rights violations., like the right to health ".

In addition, the organization based in Argentina moved to Macri with the desire to include it in its conversations with Bolsonaro, it is that of: certain measures that "undermine the rights to truth, justice and reparation of victims of crimes of international law committed by the state during the military regime"

They refer to another decree, n ° 9759/2019 of April 11, which suspends since June 28th the activity of the group of forensic anthropologists who badyzed 1,047 boxes containing skeletal remains from mbad graves located in the cemetery of Perus, west of São Paulo. A work that dates back to 2014, when the final report of the National Truth Commission convened by President Dilma Rousseff was published. A non-minor fact is that the current president rejected, and then as a deputy, the work of this commission whereas this was not a coup d'etat or a military dictatorship.

Bolsonaro rejected the work of the National Truth Commission as it was neither a coup d'etat nor a military dictatorship

In its letter, Amnesty International Argentina suggests the repeal of this decree, as well as the so-called Amistía law of 1979, which put an end to legal proceedings for violations of human rights. Likewise, it recommends that Brazil incorporate the provisions of the Rome Statute – which gave birth to the International Criminal Court – to its rules of procedure, as Argentina has done.

Finally, Aministía has alerted in his letter on "the attempt of undue interference in the work of civil society organizations operating in Brazil". They say that this constitutes a danger "for freedom of badociation and may compromise the work of the organizations".

M.B / D.S.


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