Amnesty International: pandemic exacerbated inequalities, state neglect and institutional violence


Coronavirus pandemic exposed “The devastating consequences of the structural and historical abuse of power”Amnesty International (AI) said in its annual human rights report released on Tuesday. The crisis that has spread around the world, said the NGO, “has made visible and worsened systemic inequalities, repression as a state response and harmful policies implemented at the international level”.

The 2020/21 report. Amnesty International. The situation of human rights in the world, documents how women, refugees, migrants, health workers, indigenous peoples, blacks and other historically forgotten groups have suffered the worst effects of the pandemic, while some leaders have taken the opportunity to step up their attacks against human rights.

“Austerity policies, which had weakened public health systems and infrastructure, and a weak international architecture in form, function and leadership only worsened the situation, which was also exacerbated by the pressure from bosses and women heads of state who demonized and excluded, forcing archaic constructions of state sovereignty and the propagation of denialist approaches to science, evidence and universal norms, ”the report said.

On the other hand, it highlights the emergence of protest movements to change this reality: the Black Lives Matter protests in the United States, the #End SARS protests in Nigeria or the virtual strikes for the climate. It also highlights the courage of those who have taken the lead in resisting the advancing pandemic.

“In 2020, exceptional leadership did not come from power, privilege or money, but from the medical and nursing staff and other health professionals who were at the forefront of essential survival services.”, highlights the report among other “heroes” who have put all their efforts and risked their lives to help the survival of most of the population.

The transfer of a body of a coronavirus victim to Lima.  The pandemic has had a greater impact on the poor and minorities
The transfer of a body of a coronavirus victim to Lima. The pandemic has had a greater impact on the poor and minoritiesAP

Positive leadership

“This is a historic moment, now more than ever, international cooperation and positive leadership are needed to put full respect for human rights and the reduction of inequalities at the center of their agendas”said Amnesty International Argentina Executive Director Mariela Belski.

As 2020 begins, Latin America was the most unequal region in the worldsays the report, a situation that has worsened with the pandemic. Covid-19 hit the region’s large informal economy, as government measures frequently affected the economic, social and cultural rights of those in the most precarious situations.

According to the study, “Arbitrary detentions were common practice, in many cases they were linked to the application of restrictions associated with Covid-19, and in some countries people were forced to self-quarantine in state-run centers they didn’t do. respect health standards or physical distance ”.

In Argentina, Covid-19 has exacerbated the country’s persistent economic crisis. “At the same time, measures to stop the spread of the virus have led to an increase in gender-based violence. Indigenous peoples have been disproportionately affected. In addition, there are reports of enforced disappearances and excessive use of force by the police..

On the positive side, the report describes the victory in gender terms which meant decriminalization of abortion in Argentina, as well as in South Korea and Northern Ireland. It also highlights the approval of laws to combat violence against women and girls in South Korea, Kuwait and Sudan.

Human rights in 2020 in figures


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