Among luxuries and weapons, the Taliban camp in the palace of their worst enemy


In this image taken on September 11, 2021, Taliban fighters sit inside the home of Afghan warlord Abdul Rashid Dostum in Kabul's Sherpur neighborhood.  (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)
In this image taken on September 11, 2021, Taliban fighters sit inside the home of Afghan warlord Abdul Rashid Dostum in Kabul’s Sherpur neighborhood. (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)

In Kabul, the Taliban have taken the luxurious palace of one of their worst enemies, the former vice-president Abdul Rachid Dostum. From there enter upholstered sofas, a tropical greenhouse and a jacuzzi, They promise to leave corruption behind and open a new chapter for Afghanistan.

Now in the hands of Taliban fighters, the opulent village gave austere Islamists a glimpse into the lives of former Afghan rulers, and they say luxury is the product of years of endemic corruption.

The Taliban circled the mansion, the sight of which would be unimaginable to most Afghans.  (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)
The Taliban circled the mansion, the sight of which would be unimaginable to most Afghans. (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)

In an endless corridor of apple green carpet, so thick that your feet sink in when you walk, a Taliban fighter sleeps on a sofa, his kalashnikov well dressed, under the gaze of colorful fish that live in seven gigantic aquariums.

Amid soft sofas, a tropical greenhouse and a jacuzzi, the insurgents have vowed to leave corruption behind and open a new chapter for Afghanistan (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)
Amid soft sofas, a tropical greenhouse and a jacuzzi, the insurgents have vowed to leave corruption behind and open a new chapter for Afghanistan (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)

The fighter is part of the personal security detachment of Qari Salahuddin Ayoubi, one of the most powerful commanders of the new regime, who installed his company of 150 men in the mansion on August 15, the day of the fall of Kabul.

Qari Salahuddin Ayoubi, one of the most powerful commanders of the new regime, installed his company of 150 men in the mansion on August 15 (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)
Qari Salahuddin Ayoubi, one of the most powerful commanders of the new regime, installed his company of 150 men in the mansion on August 15 (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)
The opulent village has given austere Islamists a glimpse into the lives of former Afghan rulers, and they say the luxury is the product of years of rampant corruption.  (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)
The opulent village has given austere Islamists a glimpse into the lives of former Afghan rulers, and they say the luxury is the product of years of rampant corruption. (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)

The luxury that saw the AFP in one visiting the mansion would be unimaginable for most Afghans.

Huge crystal chandeliers hang in cavernous hallways, large upholstered sofas furnish a maze of lounges and an indoor pool is finished with intricate turquoise tiles.

Visiting the mansion is an extraordinary experience for the new occupants, who for years have sacrificed comfort for the rebellion, living in the plains, valleys and mountains of rural Afghanistan.  (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)
Visiting the mansion is an extraordinary experience for the new occupants, who for years have sacrificed comfort for the rebellion, living in the plains, valleys and mountains of rural Afghanistan. (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)

There is even a sauna, a Turkish steam bath and a fully equipped gym.

It is an extraordinary experience for new occupants, who for years sacrificed their comforts to rebellion, living off their intelligence in the plains, valleys and mountains of rural Afghanistan.

But the new head of the family, now military commander of four provinces, specifies that your men will not get used to luxury.

Qari Salahuddin Ayoubi, left, said the Taliban would not get used to luxury (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)
Qari Salahuddin Ayoubi, left, said the Taliban would not get used to luxury (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)

“Islam never wants us to have a luxurious life”, Ayoubi told the AFP, adding that luxury comes to paradise, “life after death”.

“The thieves’ quarter”

The owner of the mansion, comrade, is a notorious figure woven into the fabric of recent Afghan history.

The entrance to the Abdul Rashid Dostum fortress.  The warlord and former vice president fled across the border to Uzbekistan.  (Aamir QURESHI / AFP)
The entrance to the Abdul Rashid Dostum fortress. The warlord and former vice president fled across the border to Uzbekistan. (Aamir QURESHI / AFP)

A former paratrooper, Communist commander, warlord and vice-president, he was the very definition of a cunning political survivor. which has withstood more than four decades of conflict in war-torn Afghanistan.

Despite a string of war crimes linked to Dostum’s forces, the former Afghan government hoped that its military acumen and simmering hatred of the Taliban would help them survive.

Corn his fortress was overrun and the gray-haired 67-year-old fled across the border to Uzbekistan.

Dostum is suspected of profiting enormously from the corruption and embezzlement that discredited the previous government.  (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)
Dostum is suspected of profiting enormously from the corruption and embezzlement that discredited the previous government. (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)

Dostum widely suspected of profiting greatly from corruption and the hijacking that discredited the previous government.

Many officials illegally seized land to build luxury homes in a neighborhood, which earned him the nickname of “Thieves’ Quarter” among the locals.

In a wing of the huge house, Taliban fighters relaxed in a huge tropical greenhouse measuring several hundred square meters under a huge glass ceiling.

The giant greenhouse of the mansion (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)
The giant greenhouse of the mansion (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)

Who is neglected by a mezzanine dominated by a dark wooden bar, a testament to the decadent tastes brought back from a general known for his penchant for parties and strong spirits.

The Taliban have good reason to hate Dostum.

In 2001, it was accused of having killed more than 2,000 fighters, locking many in containers in the middle of the desert where they suffocated under a blazing sun.

Taliban activists and onlookers in one of the rooms of the mansion (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)
Taliban activists and onlookers in one of the rooms of the mansion (Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)

But Commander Ayoubi rejected any desire for revenge.

“If other oppressed people like us had come here, you wouldn’t have seen the chairs and tables. It is possible that they destroyed them “, noted.

But the new regime will not allow this luxury to be built on ill-gotten gains in the future, he said.

“We are on the side of the poor”, he says, as dozens of visitors wait patiently in the hallway, lazily gazing at the fish with indifference.

(By Emmanuel DUPARCQ, AFP)

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The forgotten builder in Afghanistan
“Don’t let them catch me alive, kill me first”: this is how the main Afghan pop star fled the Taliban

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