From the 20th will start the vigil and the III National Festival of the Veteran and fallen in battle, in the war memorial, in the Avenue Costanera and Lanusse. There will be a presence of different musical groups and a group waiting 00. At midnight, the Argentine national anthem, the minute of silence and the Falklands march will be played.
For tomorrow, the central act of April 2 will take place at the War Memorial, Malvinas, Costanera and Lanusse, at 8:30 in Posadas.
Garden America:
Organized by the Malvinas War Federation of Misiones Province and the local municipality, at the 16th Municipal Sports Center.
Monte Carlo:
At 8.30, crown at the foot of the mast of Plaza San Martín, in tribute to the victims of the Falklands war. The act will take place in the school 906 Malvinas district, at 9 o'clock.
Today at 7:30 pm, tribute to the serenade of veterans of the Falklands War, in Plaza Sarmiento of kilometer 9. In case of rain, he moves to the shed 10.
Today, Monday at 6 pm, watches at the Malvinas War Veterans' Center, Pueyrredón Street, between San Lorenzo and Suipacha. It ends at 00 o'clock with the Argentine National Anthem, the minute of silence and the Falklands march. Act of Day 2, at 10 am, in the Malvinas monument, along the Malvinas Argentinas avenue.
Puerto Esperanza:
With Wanda and Puerto Libertad, at a single ceremony. The act on the General Libertador Plaza San Martin de Puerto Esperanza from 9:30.
Saint Pierre
Act and inauguration of the Heroes' Square of Malvinas, from 5.30 pm
The superb
The act will take place at Colonia La Flor, with video playback of Regiment 4 and the story of death in combat, of the missionary hero Soldier Alfredo Gregorio, 10 years old.
Wednesday, April 3, in the vicinity of Santa Helena, act and tribute to the neighborhood's former neighbors, from 10am.
This Tuesday, April 2 at 8:15, tribute to Corporal José L. Ríos, at the foot of the bust, located in Rios street and Avenue de los Immigrantes. At 9:30, actor in Plazoleta del Veterano de Guerra, in the Barrio Krause.
For its part, the Federation of Veteran Heroes of the Malvinas War of Misiones has sought, since its creation – together with seven other badociations within Misiones – to insert the theme of the Falklands War as a subject in primary schools. and secondary; do social work for veterans; greater restraint for the veteran (psychological, spiritual, moral and medical); better economic compensation and greater public and private recognition.
In the city of Posadas, at the initiative of the mayor of the city, Joaquín Losada, the 84 veterans of the Falklands war living in the missionary capital were declared "illustrious citizens". In this context, they placed a plaque with a caption that says "Here lives a Falklands hero" in the residence of every veteran.
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