Amy Schumer's husband has ASD: can it be detected in adulthood?


The latest work by Amy Schumer is full of information about her pregnancy and her marriage. Has the comedian used his latest experiences to create the stand-up special Growing (Growing up). There he revealed that her husband, Chris Fischer, has recently been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

"I knew from the beginning that my husband's brain was a little different from mine"Said the actress." She means by that to have started to observe signs showing a difference, for example when she fell down and that he was petrified. "When the doctors told her what I was doing. I had it was a bit funny: all the characteristics of the spectrum are what made me fall in love with him, "he said.

Schumer explained that among the peculiarities of 39-year-old to say the first thing that comes to my mind, indifference to social norms and the lack of importance of what others expect of them to say or do.

According to Mayo Clinic, autism spectrum disorder is a condition that affects brain development and it affects the way a person perceives and socializes with other people. It is usually detected in childhood and requires treatment to improve the quality of life.

Therefore, Comfort We consulted the psychologist Eliana Alvarez (AWM: 68.245) know what it means to be diagnosed in adulthood. "The right time to detect an autism spectrum disorder is during childhood, because boys are in full formation of their personality," said the specialist. In this regard, he stressed that the best is to work with them between 3 and 7 years. For that, it is essential to be aware of the first signs, such as eye contact, mood swings and relationship difficulties.

"When the diagnosis is late, the patient can also be helped. However, this has two disadvantages: on the one hand, the person already has the personality and the way of linking developed, a process of deconstruction will be necessary. In addition, he spent a lot of time with difficulties in building relationships, something that could have been solved – or improved – with early diagnosis, "he added. adults depends on each person, the resources and the family context in which it is inserted.

In the case of Schumer and Fischer, the comedian claimed in the television program Late at night with seth meyer that the diagnosis was something totally positive: "I think that many people resist this because of the stigma attached to it. doctors do not detect you and leave you alone, they give you many tools to improve your life, both in the individual and social aspects and as a couple. "" That's why we decided to say it, to encourage others to cheer themselves up and to consult a specialist ", a- he concluded.


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