An 11-year-old boy graduates from college in South Florida


William Maillis, an 11-year-old boy who graduated from high school at the age of nine, graduated this weekend in Arts from St. Petersburg College in southeastern Florida, local media reported today.

Maillis received his badociate arts degree this Saturday at an academic ceremony held at St. Pertersburg College after completing two years of college in this discipline

"I am totally fascinated by William and his work, he is an extremely bright, very open and cooperative boy " told local channel Bay News 9 Tonjua Williams, rector of the educational institution.

The minor, who started his university studies in 2016, after completing his bachelor's degree at the age of nine, learned mathematics at age two and algebra at age four

He has gifts given by God, I have received the gift of knowledge, science and history, "said the young man to the aforementioned media

Williams wants to continue his University studies starting next August at the University of South Florida (USF) because he dreams of becoming an astrophysicist and "show the world, through science, that God exists." [19659002] After his university studies, the young man would obtain his doctorate at the age of 18, the age when many adolescents begin their university studies.

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