An 11-year-old girl managed to fulfill the wishes of dozens of grandparents living in retirement homes.


Ruby Kate Chitsey, age 11, he spends most of his summers in retirement homes. It's just that his mother is a nurse, so he accompanies her to work. Although he likes to spend time there, this can sometimes be a little boring. What she had never imagined was that a situation would make her the most important person for these grandparents.

One day, he saw a lady in a wheelchair say goodbye to her 12-year-old dog. A friend had brought him to visit and did not know when he would see him again. The girl has approached and noticed the sadness in her eyes, and understands her because she also has a lot of animals. While hiring a caregiver costs a lot of money, he went on to think: How many other residents of the nursing home would have unrealized wishes?

A sheet of Ruby's notebook containing orders for soft drinks, snacks, cookies, pillows and dolls.
A sheet of Ruby's notebook containing orders for soft drinks, snacks, cookies, pillows and dolls.

In this little city ​​of 12 thousand inhabitants near Arkansas (United States), older people are supported by the state. They come from modest families who do not usually visit them frequently, either because they are also elderly or because they do not have a car to approach.

So this summer, Ruby began to help them. First He chatted with them and wrote his orders on a sheet left by the notebook of 3rd year. Then he opened a Facebook page. Her mother helped her to create another one in GoFundMe to raise funds and meet her wishes.

Both were surprised by everything that happened later. People have made orders so simple that they can even be bought in a supermarket. We wanted pants of his size; another fresh fruit – for 8 years that did not give that taste -. Many asked for sausages or meals that were not prepared in the retirement home; others wanted good books or a cell phone because they felt lonely. "I know some of these patients 20 years ago, they told Ruby things they would never tell me," said his mother at the time. CNN.

So, Ruby became the fairy godmother. He raised $ 70,000 and began to satisfy his desires. Purchased better pillows and blankets to make them comfortable, robotic animals and life-size babies so they feel accompanied. "They are incredible for dementia patients," said the nurse.

Marilyn Spurlock, project badistant
Marilyn Spurlock, project badistant "Three wishes for the residents of Ruby".

After the success of this residency, the mother decided to extend her daughter's initiative to the five geriatric facilities where she works. For that, had an badistant: a 74-year-old patient. "He gave me something to do and took away most of the depression, I felt it was not worth it for so long here, now I can help," Marilyn said. Spurlock. She also considers that sharing the situation of other patients helps her in her new job.

Ruby continues to visit grandparents two to three times a week and always has something for them. "They never asked us for new cars or a million dollars – they just want things everyday and that's what we give them," the girl concluded. His mother hopes that the idea of ​​his daughter will become an initiative that will affect all homes in the United States. "Residents who never smile have melted, everyone is happy about it. it's what it's all about, to improve the quality of life and make it happy", The woman finished.


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