An 18-year-old military officer shot dead two comrades from the Chilean army regiment and committed suicide | Chronic


The place where the young man killed two companions and committed suicide (with the kind permission of El Comercio).

Three soldiers died during a shootout in the Armored Cavalry School Regiment of Iquique, in northern Chile.

The incident occurred on Saturday afternoon in the afternoon, when a soldier, identified as being Marco Velásquez, age 18, who was on duty, started shooting against other species and then went on to commit suicide.

The shooting killed the second sergeant Fernando Zamorano and then first Pablo Benavides, said the regimental chief, the lieutenant-colonel Ignacio García Bunster, according to the news agency EFE.

Velásquez "It was a soldier who had 11 months of training", said Garcia Bunster, and that according to his brother Diegohad already tried to commit suicide, so "I was with a psychologist and a psychiatrist" and "They had to cancel it and they did not want to do it".

"I deeply regret the death of three members of the Chilean army at the Armored Cavalry School of Iquique, we hope soon the result of the investigation"said the Minister of Defense, Alberto Espina, by Twitter.

I deeply regret the death of 3 members of the @Ejercito_Chile at the Armored Cavalry School of Iquique. I spoke with the wife of SG2 Zamorano and father of CB1 Benavides, to express our support for this human drama. We hope soon the result of the investigation.

– Alberto Espina Otero (@albertoespina)
March 17, 2019

So a companion of the deceased revealed what happened


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