An 8M against gender violence | The trainee day …


This Monday, from 12 noon, convened by feminist, political, social, labor and student organizations, a multitude of women will mobilize again across the country for International Women’s Day. This time, the main slogan will be “Enough of femicides! Enough precautionary measures that don’t work and gender-blind judges and prosecutors looking away. Enough of staring at violent policemen ”. In this context, the Minister of Women, Gender and Diversity of the Nation assured that “we are rebuilding a State to deal with gender violence and not look aside”.

In a public statement, Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta stressed that the country faces a reality in which “the pandemic has taken an undesirable role” which has generated “inequalities that affect women and the LGBTIQ + community”. At the same time, he stressed that covid-19 highlights “the place that women occupy in the economy and in productive development”. At the same time, he affirmed “the indispensable presence of women” in “essential activities, care, education and health services”. The other aspect has been the loss of jobs for women in sectors such as commerce, gastronomy, tourism and hospitality, which have been hit hardest by the crisis.

The slogans of this 8M reflect repudiation and the demand for concrete and effective measures to end the wave of femicides, announced mainly due to previous situations that have not been helped or resolved by state agencies. That is why they ask: “Enough of the police stations which are not functioning or which do not want to receive complaints from you; enough privileges for a violent macho; enough rhetoric and official “plans” that don’t work. And they conclude that “femicides are a matter of state” that must be resolved by state agencies.

Feminist organizations have called for gathering around noon on Avenida de Mayo and July 9, and then marching towards Congress. In the same place, but from 4.30 p.m., it is the call of Manuela Castañeira, national leader of the New MAS and of the feminist group Las Rojas. From there they will also march to Congress. Castiñeira said that this 8M “we will again complain about urgent issues such as the drama that there is a femicide or a transvesticide every 20 hours in Argentina”. He stressed that “this reality generates even greater indignation because these cases are clearly preventable”. He cited as an example the femicide of Ursula Bahillo, in Rojas, at the hands of the police officer Matías Ezequiel Martínez, who since 2018 had complaints of gender violence and sexual abuse of a girl. Ursula had denounced it 18 times, Castañeira declared that “it is essential that the government allocate a real budget to eradicate violence against women and LGBTT people”.

The Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity, through the 2021 edition of the “We Move the World” (NMEM) program, recalls the reality of a present which “is unprecedented: we are going through a deep social crisis. generated by the covid-19 pandemic ”, simultaneously“ with the high rates of gender-based violence and its most extreme manifestations, femicides, transvesticides and transfemicides ”.

Faced with this situation, within the framework of the State “we are required to urgently strengthen all the mechanisms and tools” in force “to reverse this complex reality”. They argue that the ministry works “from day one with the certainty that gender violence is not an isolated event but rather the expression and result of an unequal social and cultural structure that must be transformed everywhere and in. all spaces “. For this reason, the NMEM is claimed as “one of the main cultural bets” of the current administration because its “fundamental objective is to make visible these cultural models which reproduce gender violence and to highlight the processes, the struggles and conquests of feminists and diversity movements ”.

After discussing the social and economic measures of the current government to deal with the crisis caused by the pandemic, the head of the ministry, Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta, declared that she represented a state “that takes charge and does not look aside “and that” violence is neither resigned nor naturalized “. He added that for this reason, in his address to the Legislative Assembly, President Alberto Fernández “clearly called for policies aimed at reducing gender-based violence in our country to be, for the first time, policies of State”.

This means that it will be promoted that the measures to solve the problem do not depend “on the government of the day” but on “all the powers of the state, at all levels, national, provincial and municipal”, but that all ” prioritize these agendas and work in a coordinated manner to address them ”.

For her part, Estela Díaz, The Minister of Women, Gender Policy and Sexual Diversity of the Province of Buenos Aires, said that the pandemic “has disrupted all government plans and prompted us to work with a focus on improving the mechanisms of fight against violence, in particular in the domestic and family sphere ”. Faced with the situation, “an enormous and tireless work was carried out by all the teams (…) in action, almost without the tools necessary for the administration of the State, because we are precisely in the process of building them” .

In all cases, work was carried out “in the 135 municipalities, in conjunction with more than 100 unions and with hundreds of social organizations”.

This 8M, Estela Díaz will animate from this weekend events in the districts of the interior of the province, with workshops on gender and the prevention of violence. The minister will travel today to the district of Hipólito Yrigoyen, where she will meet with the mayor Ignacio Pugnaloni and the secretaries of the gender zones of the fourth region. In the afternoon, there will be workshops on Communication and Gender, Education and Work, Women and Art, at the local cultural center.


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