An absurdity to put pressure on Alberto Fernández who worries the Brazilian industry itself


The president of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), Robson Braga de Andrade, told Ámbito that "the industry has been actively and publicly supporting commercial openness since 2012. We support openness, but with dialogue and transparency ".

"Neither industry nor the National Congress can stay out of this debate given its huge impact on industrial states and municipalities," he added.

The former captain of the army did not notice that a sovereign country had the right to establish its policies and apply them in a common market in which each member has A voice. Whatever the case may be, you should emulate your Finance Minister, Paulo Guedes, who, with an equal but somewhat more logical motivation, raised the possibility that Brazil will leave the bloc if it does not follow it. not in its momentum of openness.

Talking about a possible suspension of Argentina evoked the antecedent of Paraguay in 2012, when the democratic clause was applied for the carrying out of a political trial expressly for Fernando Lugo, considered as abusive by other countries. Now the cause would be another: to make a proposal on his part, to which, it should be remembered, every member has the full right.

Fernandez has already had strong ties with the President of Brazil and has publicly regretted it. In their environment, they declare that they intend to have a state relationship, de-ideologized and mutually beneficial. They admit however that they have no idea if this will be possible. Gestures like this Wednesday do not think so.

What does Bolsonaro want to do with Mercosur during its current pro tempore presidency? Three things: first, each country can negotiate free trade agreements with third parties at different rates; secondly, when a treaty is concluded, a country can apply it before others; and thirdly, to significantly reduce the Common External Tariff (CET), which would, one day or another, change the outlook for the industrial sectors of the member countries, especially those with the most to lose in this regard. : Argentina and Brazil

It is unthinkable that a prospective Peronist government will access the most radical versions of these three initiatives, which predicts storms in the block, but the last is the most delicate. For Fernández, the recovery of the industry after its collapse in the time of Mauricio Macri is one of the fundamentals of its slogan "revive the economy".

As predicted above, the presidency of the Todos Front is a valuable and, moreover, Brazilian ally: the industrial sector of this country.

Companies based in the São Paulo State Industries Federation (FIESP) are the most likely because of their size and ability to play in the big leagues, with a strong openness to Chile. However, as powerful as it is, San Pablo does not exhaust the Brazilian industry at its borders, which has other links, very important too, even if they need a gradual opening to not succumb to the Asian competition in general and China in particular, In addition to Americans and Europeans.

This balance between regional and economically diverse sectors is the role of the parent entity of the sector, the INC, which includes the FIESP and the federations of the 26 other states.

The reduction of the TEC that the ex-military proposes (imposes?) At the level of technical discussions is on average 50%. Thus, the protection of industrial products in general would increase from 13.6% on average to 6.4%, while that of a sensitive sector in terms of employment, textiles, from 35% to 12%. %.

According to a study conducted by the CNI and conducted by the Center for Policy Studies at the University of Victoria (Australia), "a steep 50% reduction (from ECA) would reduce (Brazil's) GDP by at least 10% . on 23 industries up to 2022, harming growth and unemployment, "they told this entity newspaper, where they said that this" school house "is a reference in international trade studies ".


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