An Accused as a Co-Author of Lola Chil's Femicide


The Uruguayan court has prosecuted a 33-year-old man as co-perpetrator of the murder of Lola Chomnalez, an Argentine teenager murdered in December 2014 in the Uruguayan resort of Barra de Valizas. After the new prosecutor of the case, Jorge Vaz, conducted a new investigation and a rebadessment of the evidence on file, the man dubbed "El Cachila", who had already been arrested and had declared in two Opportunities, he was sued as a co-perpetrator of the homicide crime aggravated by treason, by decision of Rocha's subrogated judge, Rossana Ortega. According to Prosecutor Vaz, the present accused was present "before, during and after" the murder, and the crime was probably a "badual" motive.

In the indictment, the prosecutor explained that after Monday's investigation, which was also attended by a semi-expert expert, "it appears more convincingly, according to his account, that (the defendant) was present before and after the homicide. "According to the information in the record, the man and one or more accomplices forced the teenager to leave the beach towards the forest area, behind the dunes" probably with a badual mobile ".

The testimony of the expert also established that the defendant tended to "mythomania", to "irritate easily and to lose control of his impulses" and to a pattern of "contempt and violation of rights". d & # 39; others ". During the statement, said the prosecutor, "contradictions and a great emotional distance" appeared when the accused "transferred responsibility for the episode that struck the teenager to the artisans of the region".

The defendant admitted that he had crossed with Chomnalez on the beach and offered him "a stamp" that he was selling in a traveling manner at that time. Then, she said, she felt "stunned" and tried to help her, but she discovered that she "did not have a pulse", after which he became scared and left .

For the Chomnalez family's lawyer, Juan Williman, the accused was a co-participant in Lola's crime, in which at least one other person had acted. The lawyer recalled that the accused was "the last to have seen Lola alive and to see her dead and, although in previous statements, she provided her version of the facts, Monday, when". she was interrogated, "she had a restrictive attitude to talk about the episode. "

He was delayed Monday afternoon, following an investigative hearing convened by Prosecutor Vaz and attended by a semi-expert expert. The prosecutor stated that "during the proceedings," the expert was able to determine that the suspect, when he was talking about things that did not concern him, had a comfortable non-verbal language and that He made restrictive gestures about the homicide, which complicated his situation. "

On Monday night, the Uruguayan prosecutor's office had announced in advance that there were "enough elements of conviction to charge" the suspect of the crime "of very special homicide committed as than co-author ". The judge, however, limited the charge to a homicide aggravated for treason.


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