An adopted dog saved the life of a veteran | Chronic


The question is recurrent: "Is there a friend more companion than a dog?" The answer is probably no and this is confirmed by a can of the state of South Carolina, United States.

"Loop", a brave animal saved his owner from being eaten by the flames that were destroying his home in the city of Beaufort.

Curly, the hero dog.

Brian Rand, a veteran, was taking a nap in his chair last Monday, when he began to feel that his animal was pushing him with the snout in his face to lift him up.

"I got up and started to walk in. As soon as I went down the hall, I saw the house filled with smoke," he told the city fire department.

Rand managed to escape from his home with Curly and call 911. The authorities were able to save some of his belongings, including his wartime medals, WJCL, a Yankee media outlet, reported. The fire damage was "wide"As stated in the statement of the authorities, and the house was destroyed.

Brian told that his story of friendship with "Cur" As he told you, it started in 2016 when he adopted it from an abandoned animal shelter because he felt so lonely. "Since that day we are inseparable "he says with gratitude.

Here is how was the house after the fire.


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