An adviser to Alberto Fernández felt that if they won, "someone will go to renegotiate with the IMF"


After the government launched an anti-crisis plan in the midst of a frantic race to the market after the OSPP was created, the former Minister of the Economy and Alberto Fernández, Emmanuel Alvarez Agis, gave their opinion on the future of the negotiations with the Fund International Monetary Fund "The first thing the IMF needs to understand is that the agreement is out of order not because they did not want to comply, but because it was poorly formulated. And it's a shared responsibility, "he said.

In this sense, Alvarez Agis said that whoever is minister of the economy "a plane must be taken in Washington and do not come back after 10 minutes with an agreement that does not work. "" The agreement with the Fund that we have completed to the letter and we are here. You must reformulate it. The IMF must understand that the Argentine economy is drowning, that it is in recession and that it can not continue to demand an adjustment, "he told the radio.

Emmanuel Álvarez Agis was Deputy Minister of Economy of Axel Kicillof and now advises Alberto Fernández. (Photo: Courtesy, Miter Radio)
Emmanuel Álvarez Agis was Deputy Minister of Economy of Axel Kicillof and now advises Alberto Fernández. (Photo: Courtesy, Miter Radio)

In this regard, he felt that the objectives set by the government will not be reached in December, as planned, and asked to reformulate the agreement on the basis of the current situation. "It is very important that the Fund disburse what it has to pay," he said after reminding that a mission of an agency was to arrive to review the progress of the organization. 39, agree and unblock, in September, the last disbursement of 5,000 million of dollars.

In addition, he also mentioned dollar and agreed with the Frente de Todos candidate, Alberto Fernández, that the value of $ 60 is "welcome back". "I think that in this context, the government should take three steps: control the dollar, control the dollar, control the dollar Take action to mitigate a situation that you still do not know how bad it is, "said the former manager.


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