An alleged ghost of Pablo Escobar appears in the implosion of Monaco :: Sociedad :: PD América Building


After that, They began circulating videos in which you could see a white silhouette of a man running in the corridors of the building a few seconds before it collapsed. This is not the first time that citizens say they have seen a ghost inside the building.

In March 2018, other videos and photographs showcasing the similar image of a man inside the abandoned building, which many have predicted, could be capo Pablo Escobar, who built the building in the late 80s to live together. to his wife María Victoria Henao and their two children, Juan Pablo and Manuela.

This after the gangster bought two mansions in the Santa Maria district of Los Angeles, in the exclusive neighborhood of El Poblado. The building included, among others, reinforced columns, security doors, jacuzzi for each room, billiard rooms, collection of vintage cars and works of art, and even tunnels designed for a possible escape.(A boy protests not to destroy the building of his idol, Pablo Escobar)

And this was the scene where the cartel war began, after that of January 13, 1988, a car bomb with 80 kilograms of explosives exploded in front of the building, by order of the Cali cartel, at one time. attack against Pablo Escobar. who left 3 dead and 10 wounded. The nasturtium family survived, but the fact was the trigger for a wave of historic violence in Colombia, which ended with the death of the Medellin cartel leader in December 1993.


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