An American investigation uncovered a pedophile network that resulted in the arrest of a pediatrician in Buenos Aires


The case of the pediatrician of Garrahan hospital arrested for distribution and the production of children was discovered thanks to an international alert. The US Homeland Security Authorities and the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Brazilian Indictment have informed the Public Prosecutor's Office of the City of Buenos Aires of a network of users involved in this crime. And on this list of suspects was Ricardo Alberto Russo, head of the Immunology and Rheumatology Department of the Buenos Aires Medical Center.

The Secretary of Justice and Security of Buenos Aires, Marcelo D'Alessandro, confirmed this information to TN. "A very serious complaint was received and began to investigate in Argentina. During the raids, computers and electronic disks were diverted with very strong evidence, where there were videos of abused children, "explained the official.

Russo was one of the houses investigated. The municipal police found photos and recordings of babies from six months to 14 years, in explicit badual activities.

Dr. Alessandro says about the version that this material would have been recorded at Garrahan Hospital: "In some recordings, there are stretchers and that badumes that it is in a center of health". Although he did not specify if the exact place is confirmed.

According to what appeared, the survey was christened as "Light of Infancia III". In the United States, the FBI followed the trail of a pedophile network that broadcasted information on the Deep Web (Deep Web) and had ramifications in Argentina and Brazil. The authorities discovered that users had uploaded the photos and videos via the P2P "E-mule" platform to avoid any identification.

Ricardo Alberto Russo has been arrested for distributing and producing child badgraphy. Credit: municipal police
Ricardo Alberto Russo has been arrested for distributing and producing child badgraphy. Credit: municipal police

The arrest of the doctor was requested by Attorney General Dupuy, ordered by the judge of criminal cases, contraventions and offense of María Alejandra Doti and executed in the same hospital by agents of the section Cybercrimes against the childhood and adolescence of the City police.

According to police sources, the defendant could be the subject of an investigation this afternoon. Meanwhile, researchers are trying to identify the victims and to badyze if there were more cases in other health centers.


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