An anonymous buyer paid the price of the helmet of the Malvinas veteran


The name of Jorge "Beto" Altieri figure inside the helmet pierced by the fragments of a mortar "during the fierce battle of Mount Longdon", as stated by the user, but instead of being in his possession, it was for sale on the auction site at a private price.

"This helmet has saved my life," said Altieri.

Altieri started a campaign to buy the helmet, and the story reached the British ambbadador to Argentina and several local officials. And finally this week, an anonymous buyer paid the auction price and promised to return the clothing to the veteran.

"When I have the headphones with me, I take him in my arms and I fill him with kissesI hope not to cry, but it will be very exciting. This helmet saved my life, "Altieri told La Nacion after learning that he was going to get it back.

According to the article's description on eBay, "the mortar shrapnel caused considerable damage to the hull, the steel cover is open and shrapnel continued through the liner"

malvinas helmet inside.jpg

What happened to the man behind the protection was even more dramatic: "This injury took away my left eye and I lost brain tissue of the left brain region that coordinates the conduction of the right arm, right leg and speech, "said Altieri.

Today, the veteran plans what he will do once he has put his helmet back on his hands. "My idea is that this is part of a traveling exhibition, which is exhibited in the war museum that exists in the 7th Regiment of La Plata or in the museum of Malvinas and whatever the sample"he said.


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