An antibiotic made with frog skin cures infections in cows


Mariana Gonzlez / Guadalajara

A Mexican researcher has created an antibiotic from frog skin that cures the inflammation of the udder of cows without leaving toxic traces in the milk, in addition to the antibiotic. to be an alternative to the fight against bacteria and

Alfonso Islas, an academic from the Campus of Biological Sciences at the University of Guadalajara (western Mexico), created and patented this substance called ranimycin, which uses the antimicrobial properties that the frog develops in a natural way. protect yourself from the environment

The immunology specialist explained to EFE that he developed a study funded by the Mexican National Council of Science and Technology to take advantage of the skin of the American frog (also called frog or catebe), raised in the Jalisco Valleys region to cook a dish with its legs.

Islands took pieces of frog skin thrown into restaurants to subject it to a process of homogenization and extract the molecules by centrifugation. He discovered that he has 23 peptides or molecules that serve as natural antibiotics.

With them, he created a formula that eliminates bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus, methicillin and pseudomonas aeruginosa, which cause intra-hospital infections and have been shown to be resistant to antibiotics. like penicillin and its derivatives, states

We submitted the formula to bacteriological tests and we managed to kill bacteria such as scherichia coli (which causes intestinal diseases), among others. It is a very good extract to fight against infections, says the specialist

One of his colleagues took it to test the compound in cows because about 20% of cattle suffer from mastitis, that is to say from inflammations. and infection in the mammary glands caused by machines that extract milk, which occurs especially in the rain.

The antibiotic applied to 280 cows sick managed to cure them in five days and prevented them from being removed from the production process occurs when they receive treatment with penicillin, because the 39; natural antibiotic leaves no toxic residue in the milk.

When you put brand name penicillin, you must remove the cow, can not give milk because it does not meet the standards the human being who drinks milk is contaminated. With our natural antibiotic, nothing happens, that is to say that it is a peptide that is not toxic, which does not cause any problem.

This will benefit dairy farmers as they will reduce economic losses by resting

Producers lose up to 20% less than selling milk and must also spend penicillin, and with our product, which we test in three dairy herds. (farms), it is not necessary because the cow continues to produce, expres.

The Mexican and international patents obtained by the islands allow the marketing of this antibiotic, whose dose has a cost of 2.19 pesos (0.11 dollar) against the 30 or 40 pesos (1.56 or 2.08 dollars) that must be paid for penicillin brand. In addition, a 40 gram frog skin can give up to 100 doses

The researcher has had contact with businessmen from Mexico and other countries interested in acquiring rights to market the antibiotic.

the application of antibiotic in humans.

We have results in the application to cure acne, a tia in the skin (caused by fungi), athlete's foot and ophthalmic keratitis that presents itself as a complication from an eye surgery or disease known as cataracts, Ind.

However, in order to market it as a medicine for human use, it is necessary to carry out a medium-term research protocol and obtain the patent, added. (EFE)

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