An Argentine girl has become a hero in Spain by saving a child from drowning


The incident occurred last Saturday, July 27th. Macarena Cabrujo, 25, had finished her day's work and had stayed at the beach of Can Pere Antoni, in Palma de Mallorca, play volleyball. The competent authorities had lifted the yellow and red flags of the area due to poor sea conditions, but this did not prevent the rosarina from being on the lookout for any unusual sign.

Macarena Cabruja

Macarena Cabruja saved a boy from drowning on a beach in Palma de Mallorca

Macarena Cabruja saved a boy from drowning on a beach in Palma de Mallorca

With this attention, he realized that a 10-year-old boy was drowning near the buoy, about 200 meters from the shore. Despite the bad sea conditions and the lack of life-saving equipment, Macarena went to fetch her.

"As soon as I removed my pants, I knew where I was going and I did not have any more buoyancy elements."He held a dialogue with a Ray 2.

While swimming off, he managed to see two people coming out of the water, but he was about 5 feet away: a boy struggling to stay afloat. "He was a beautiful baby, I shouted to him to hold, that he was going to take him out"He said.

"I accompanied him at the last stage, but he fought it alone with his 10 years. I told himWait, we're going out together"But he anchored when he saw me, as he gave in. Then I came in and got him out, I pulled him up to the first buoy I see, I wanted to check how it was.. I managed to catch with a finger in one of the holes"Said the young woman.

Macarena Cabruja

Macarena Cabruja saved a boy from drowning on a beach in Palma de Mallorca

Macarena Cabruja saved a boy from drowning on a beach in Palma de Mallorca

"With the baby in my arms, I start to calm him down, I look at the beach and there was no one, the 112 – emergency – had not happened. He looks at me and says'I thought you were not going to get me out because I'm black'If a 10-year-old has this in mind, it's very sad as a society. And I said, "I'm beautiful, I came to get you" but I knew there were few possibilities, "he said, adding that the boy was from Senegal.

Macarena held the boy in her arms for a moment. While he was comforting and trying to guide him, the baby asked him whether he was alive or heavenly. "I filled her with kisses and told her we were going to get away"He said.

"I was not going to let him fart, there was no chance he would leave him.. But we take care of one another, this baby is an angel, "she added enthusiastically.

The Balearic Institute of Emergencies, for which Macarena works, has published on his website an article in which he praised the dedication and the gesture of Argentina.

They also spread their heroic feat of Twitter of the Balearic Port Police.

To integrate

We are activated by a child in distress at P Can Pere Antoni. Warn the 112 Macarena, lifeguard on the beach, before entering the rough seas. He had already finished his day, but the vocation of service and the sense of duty do not know the schedules. Happy ending. Congratulations!

– Police of Palma (@policiadepalma) July 29, 2019

"The little boy was taken to the hospital to check his condition and our Macarena went home exhausted, but happy to have succeeded. From here our tribute to our rescuer, we hope that this meeting with the little one will take place to kiss again, this time out of danger. Macarena, you are an excellent lifeguard, but you are always a better person. Our gratitude and our applause to your courage. We are proud to count you among our team, "said the portal.


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